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Off The Mark

Oct 3, 2023
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What do you all think of Fishing? Do you feel that Fishing is classed as a sport? I see it more as a hobby but others treat it as a sport, aswell as a interest. It's quite relaxing but at times requires you to use your upper body strength to reel in certain types of Fish depending on the size.
I have never gone fishing recently as a result of the way things have gone in the past when my mom scolded me for going fishing as a kid. That experience never left my head and recently, I have been the one focusing on doing other hobbies instead of going fishing.
What can be more boring than fishing? I have gone fishing once with my uncle and I couldn't wait for us to leave. It was the worst thing when it comes to being boring I have taken part in.
I have never gone for fishing even once in my life because I do not like the whole fishing of a thing. If I'm going to go fishing, I would not want to do it all alone by myself because I will feel awkward sitting and just waiting for have a catch. If I can fish with one or two of my friends, I may end up enjoying fishing.
Fishing could not be a job except if you are fishing expensive fish then you could earn some money from selling it. But most of the time you fish some fish for dinner or lunch to reduce the cost and enjoy a good time at sea with friends and that is all.
Fishing could not be a job except if you are fishing expensive fish then you could earn some money from selling it. But most of the time you fish some fish for dinner or lunch to reduce the cost and enjoy a good time at sea with friends and that is all.
How would you know where to catch expensive fishes? I know this is possible when you are fishing in the deep blue because there are so many different unique species of fishes out there but they are difficult to catch. There are many fishermen in the open waters who are not catching unique fishes.
I do not think fishing is a sport, it is fun activity that's for sure but it cannot be in any way categorized as a sport. B y the way I do not like fishing, I cannot watch fish die in the hook, I find it too violent. despite being a fish eater and meat eater, I avoid getting involved in any activities where I have to watch animals die.
Fishing is not a sports in any way because it's an activity which doesn't take any good amount of energy from the person who is fishing. All the person needs to do would be to hook his or her bait in his or her fish liner and sit down and wait to make a catch. So, sitting down can never pass as a sports.
Fishing is definitely a polarizing activity when it comes to classifying it as a sport. On one hand, it requires skill, patience, and knowledge of techniques - attributes many sports demand. However, the lack of physicality and direct competition against others makes it a tougher sell compared to traditional sports. Personally, I lean towards considering fishing a recreational activity rather than a sport. But I can appreciate the sportsman-like qualities it takes to be a successful angler. At the end of the day, what's most important is that people enjoy their hobbies, whether they're deemed "sports" or not.
I don't think fishing can be categorized as a sport because you are just sitting there with hook in the water hoping for a naive fish to bite. I have not done it before, and I'm not interested in doing it.
I totally get why people see Big Game fishing as a sport. I've seen some anglers reel in massive swordfish, and while it might sound easy, it looks incredibly tough and takes a lot of skill and strength to get them into the boat. I haven't been fishing since high school, but I really enjoyed it whenever I went.
I have never gone fishing, but I think it is more of a hobby than sports, then again it depends on each individual and what they choose to see it as. I heard there are even some fishing competitions out there.
When I was a kid, I liked going to the nearby stream and pond to fish. Well, I did not fish but watched my cousins and brother fish through fishing net. These days I do6watch such kind if activity because I think it is animal cruelty. I cannot watch animal die
It is more a hobby than a sport. Though I have never done it yet I feel it must be very relaxing during winter.
When I was a kid, I liked going to the nearby stream and pond to fish. Well, I did not fish but watched my cousins and brother fish through fishing net. These days I do6watch such kind if activity because I think it is animal cruelty. I cannot watch animal die
Oh really? So that means that you don't have the courage to kill a chicken or to just slaughter an animal for food?