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Are you or anyone you know allergic to any food? What happens if they eat that food accidentally?



Mar 23, 2024
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I was in touch with this person when I was learning something from him, so in a way, he was my Guru or teacher. LOL. He was allergic to mushrooms, and whenever he ate them, his face would swell up.

Are you or anyone you know allergic to any food? What happens if they eat that food accidentally?
So far from what I know, I am not allergic to any food and no one from my family has shown any sign of being allergic to any food we have eaten.
I was in touch with this person when I was learning something from him, so in a way, he was my Guru or teacher. LOL. He was allergic to mushrooms, and whenever he ate them, his face would swell up.

Are you or anyone you know allergic to any food? What happens if they eat that food accidentally?
Never know anyone can be allergic to mushrooms but allergies are like this and you never know what is allergic to other person.