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Music Database A Momentary Lapse of Reason: Limited Edition Trance Remix

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Title: A Momentary Lapse of Reason: Limited Edition Trance Remix
Artist: Pink Floyd
Genre: Progressive Rock
Released: 1998

1 - Signs of Life - 9:49
2 - Learning to Fly - 9:34
3 - The Dogs of War - 9:04
4 - One Slip - 9:52
5 - On the Turning Away - 9:04
6 - Yet Another Movie - 9:33
7 - A New Machine, Part 1 / Terminal Frost - 7:09
8 - A New Machine, Part 2 / Sorrow - 7:07

This one is also really good. "Signs of Life"" "New Machine" "Yet Another Movie" and "Terminal Frost" are all redone with spacey effects, voices, and lots of action going on within the songs. Both "Yet Another Movie" and "New Machine" are dark and menacing. "Learning to Fly," "Turning Away" and "Sorrow" are nice interpretations with parts of the songs sampled throughout. "One Slip" is made into a dance tune which just won't quit. Even the horrible "Dogs of War" is at least tolerable in the remixed form. Worth checking out:
Music information in first post provided by The AudioDB

Daily Poll: Who is the best superhero?

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