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ice spice

  1. Shortie

    Fortnite Battle Royale Ice Spice releases in the Fortnite item shop tonight! (14/11/2024)

    Ice Spice will be releasing into the item shop in Fortnite tonight! All details of the bundle are below FULL BUNDLE: 2,800 V-Bucks• 2 Skins (1,500 VB Each)• 2 Emotes (500 VB Each)• 1 Microphone (800 VB)
  2. Shortie

    Fortnite Battle Royale You can watch the Snoop Dogg and Ice Spice performance again in Fortnite at Risky Reels!

    I did not know this until I saw this today but you can rewatch the Snoop Dogg and Ice Spice performance again at Risky Reels. Video below will show you how! Have you done this yet?
  3. Shortie

    Fortnite Battle Royale Ice Spice is in Fortnite!

    Ice Spice is coming to Fortnite and Epic Games has released the trailer for her entrance into the game! Will you be picking up the Ice Spice skin and cosmetics?
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