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  1. Shortie

    Halloween Do you host Halloween parties?

    I always remember as a kid I used to attend a lot of Halloween parties and even now, I still hear of kids heading out to Halloween parties which is awesome to see they are still a big thing. Do you host Halloween parties? Will you be hosting one this year?
  2. Shortie

    Halloween Will you be going trick or treating this year?

    Halloween is always a fun time and many tend to head out trick or treating when dressed up in their favourite Halloween costumes! This year, my kids haven't mentioned wanting to go trick or treating but they are now a lot older so that would make sense. Are you heading out trick or treating...
  3. Shortie

    Do you play Halloween updates in video games?

    With it being the spooky season of October, you will find that a lot of games will not be releasing their Halloween updates or even Halloween events within their games and some games have some brilliant Halloween updates! Do you play Halloween updates in video games? Which one has been your...
  4. Shortie

    Gaming Pet Simulator 99 Halloween Update!

    The Pet Simulator 99 Halloween update was finally released today just 20 minutes ago as I am writing this and with it comes a Halloween event, limited-time Halloween huges and also Halloween back rooms and more! Have you played the new Halloween update in Pet Simulator 99 yet?
  5. Shortie

    Halloween Halloween cat Truffle dancing!

    I have been following this account on TikTok for some months now and it always brightens my day. Today I saw this TikTok and it made me smile and I thought it would be great to pass it on :)
  6. Shortie

    Halloween What are you dressing up as this Halloween?

    With Halloween comes the time to dress up and who doesn't enjoy dressing up? I myself have not dressed up for a long time, I can't even remember the last time I dressed up for Halloween, I now leave it to my kids to dress up for Halloween. My daughter this year is thinking of dressing up as...
  7. Shortie

    Halloween Candy Corn at Halloween

    Being that I live in England, UK, we don't get candy corn but I am always hearing from those who do get candy corn how bad it is and that they would rather avoid it than receive it or even buy it. Do you receive candy corn during Halloween? Do you like candy corn or would you rather give it a...
  8. Shortie

    Halloween What is your favourite Halloween candy?

    With Halloween comes Halloween candy! Stores tend to have all-year-round candy and Halloween candy but depending on our preference we tend to have a different favourite. I wouldn't say I am a huge fan of candy, but I love any sour candy during Halloween. What is your favourite candy for...
  9. D

    Halloween Pumpkin

    Happy Halloween!
  10. Shortie

    Halloween Would you rather spend a night in a haunted house or a night in a creepy forest?

    Would you rather Halloween style seems quite fitting! 🎃 I thought this would be a great one to start with! Would you rather spend the night in a haunted house or a creepy forest?
  11. Shortie

    Halloween Happy Spooky Month!

    It's the 1st of October which means the start of Spooky month with it ending with Halloween on the 31st of October! Happy Spooky Month to all members and staff at DH! :)
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