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  1. Shortie

    Fortnite Battle Royale Have you completed the boss in Fortnite Horde Rush this year?

    Every year I love to play Horde Rush in Fortnite as part of their Fortnitemares event and this year, even though I have played a little, I haven't played a much as I would have done but I am hoping to get some playing in this weekend. Due to not playing as much, I have not beaten the boss yet...
  2. Shortie

    Fortnite Battle Royale Edward Scissorhands is coming to Fortnite!

    He was seen in the trailer for Fortnitemares and now today, Fortnite have confirmed on their X account that Edward Scissorhands will be coming to Fortnite on the 15th of October 2024! I really hope I am able to snag this skin, I am a huge fan of Edward Scissorhands so this skin in game is a...
  3. Shortie

    Fortnite Battle Royale Have you played Fortnitemares 2024 yet?

    Fortnitemares 2024 was finally released on Saturday the 12th of October after being delayed for a day due to an issue that Epic Games had found. I have not played Fortnitemares yet but am hoping to be able to do so at some point this week as I always love the Fortnitemares update every year. I...
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