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Discussion Hub is a general discussion community aiming to provide a fun and laidback environment with a touch of old school. We have a diverse memberbase with people from all over the world and tons of content for you to get involved in and share your perspective. We’d love for you to become a part of our awesome community.

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  1. Kennedy

    What was your dream job as a child?

    I wanted to be a gangster when I was growing up after watching so many gangster movies 😂. I was actually serious about it until I was 13 years old before I knew better.
  2. Kennedy

    Have you ever bought clothes online and what was your experience?

    Buying clothes online isn't for me anymore. I've been sold crap twice and I won't fall for the same cheat a 3rd time. I would go to the mall in person and buy what I want.
  3. Kennedy

    What time did you wake today?

    I woke up 4am in the morning. I had an early travel I had to make around 5am. I needed to wake up early in order for me to meet up with time.
  4. Kennedy

    General Chat Thread

    Who's watching Aston Villa vs Brentford playing now in the English Premier League? This match have been so intense. It's 3-3 now at 86 mins.
  5. Kennedy

    How Are You Feeling Today?

    I'm feeling better today. I have been suffering from sore throat since the past 4 days but it's better today. I couldn't eat well for days.
  6. Kennedy

    One thing you can’t live without

    Air. Can anyone live with the oxygen they breath in? God is wonderful by making oxygen free for both the rich and the poor. If we paid for it, the rich will buy up everything.
  7. Kennedy

    How often do you fly as a means of transport?

    I fly once in a while because it's an expensive means of transportation. If I had money in excess, I'll always use flying as my preferred means of transport.
  8. Kennedy

    Teddy Bears

    I never liked them. But my parents bought some for me when I was a kid, I ripped them apart in anger. I was flogged for it and they never buy it again.
  9. Kennedy

    Do you have any addictions?

    I used to vape years ago. It was a serious addiction because I couldn't stop no matter what I did. I'll throw everything away but will go back and buy it again.
  10. Kennedy

    How fast can you type?

    I don't care about how fast I can type. I've never heard they paid anyone for being a fast typer. Unless I'm working as an office clerk who needs to type so many things, I'll improve my typing speed.
  11. Kennedy

    What can instantly ruin a friendship?

    If you don't have any respect for me, I can't be in a relationship with you. I'm big on respect. I believe that everyone deserves to be respected not minding their age.
  12. Kennedy

    Bath or shower?

    I prefer showering because it's easy and doesn't take time like how bathing does. I can zap into the bathroom and out almost immediately.
  13. Kennedy

    How is it easier to dispose of garbage?

    The garbage truck used to drive by every morning to empty my dustbin. I don't stress much with getting rid of my waste. I pay for their services every month.
  14. Kennedy

    What method do you use to control insects at home?

    If your house is kept clean, pests and insects won't be seeking refuge in your house. I make sure to clean everywhere in my house every day to stop insects from camping in my house.
  15. Kennedy

    How do you keep a house with pets in order?

    If you train your pets well, they will not litter your house unnecessarily. It's how I've trained my dog. He's well behaved who never messes up the room.
  16. Kennedy

    How do you save money on utility bills?

    I replaced all the ordinary bulb in my rooms with energy bulbs. They consume lesser energy which reduces my light bill. I never turn on my water when it's not needed for anything.
  17. Kennedy

    What's the longest relationship you've been into?

    Relationship is full of ups and downs. This makes some of them either end in marriage or break up in the end. How many relationships have you been into? Did any of them end up in marriage? Which one was the longest lasting relationship you've been into?
  18. Kennedy

    How do you manage your lifestyle?

    Lifestyle management is very good because however you decide to handle yours will determine how your health and finance is going to be. When you fail to manage your lifestyle positively, it will affect your finances and health in the opposite direction. How do you manage you lifestyle?
  19. Kennedy

    Have you started preparing for your retirement?

    I wonder why some never start making preparations for their retirement from work when they are younger and agile? They leave it until they get old and fragile which isn't smart. What are the steps you've taken towards the planning of your retirement?
  20. Kennedy

    Have you ever compromised on your happiness for another person?

    Being happy is about doing what matters for you. It may involve being selfish with some things but in the end, it's your happiness that comes first above everything else. Have you found yourself in a situation where you have to compromise on your happiness for another person?