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Search results

  1. Speaks


    https://crit-fic.simdif.com/ Crit Fic is a new name for Fix it Fic where you write fan fiction based on a series you hated.
  2. Speaks

    New Intuition

    https://newintuition.simdif.com/ Can I get some honest feedback?
  3. Speaks

    Just got a new tarot deck

    I’m offering free past life readings. Remember they are symbolic. If you want privacy you can pm me
  4. Speaks

    Find a Forum

    Post your forum here and get exposure! https://www.reddit.com/r/findaforum If you want me to submit your link let me know 🙂
  5. Speaks

    Debate The core reality

    Do you agree with this: Every religion, every social movement, every belief system needs to have one basic reality at its core. I’ll give you an image: “like a tree: many branches but however those branches have a trunk where they meet.” Every religion has the shared fact that we will die...
  6. Speaks

    Debate What would go first?

    If you were isolated in a dark room, no sunlight. The only source of light being blue light from your tv which stays on 24/7. Eat nothing but bugs, drink nothing but energy drinks, alcohol, and caffeinated drinks like coffee. And what’s on tv is a combination of propaganda and children’s...
  7. Speaks

    The Campfire is Back!

  8. Speaks

    Animation subreddit

  9. Speaks

    Animated Shorts

  10. Speaks

    Gaming Looking for 2D platforms that are

    Similar to Ori can you recommend any?
  11. Speaks

    Devils Trumpets

  12. Speaks

    Debate Student loan forgiveness for high grades?

    Should there be student loan forgiveness for people who make high grades? The higher their grades the less they have to pay back?
  13. Speaks

    Gateway 2 Words

  14. Speaks

    Do you think it’s cliche?

    For a goth to love Halloween?
  15. Speaks

    Digital Campfire

    https://digitalcampfire.proboards.com/ A friendly general chat forum surrounding gateway questions like “What is life without.. “ Come check it out
  16. Speaks

    My forum crashed

    I’m so mad I don’t know what to do if I should start over with xenforo? Or another free service?
  17. Speaks

    If you could see an alternate reality where life is like..

    A musical. I would be curious to see it but would I stay? NO
  18. Speaks

    If you could change one thing

    About the world? You only get to change one thing what would that be?
  19. Speaks

    Rich or Famous?

    Would you rather be a billionaire and nobody likes you or be famous and broke?
  20. Speaks

    When it comes to making a new forum

    What are the categories every forum could use? Should categories be specific? Or broad?
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