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  • We have now changed the post count rule to post your website in the Website Directory and the Member Showcase to 10, this was previously 50 but we felt it was too high. You can read more about this change here >>> https://discussionhub.net/threads/update-of-rules-for-the-member-showcase.4356/

Search results

  1. Spencer

    How do you like taking pictures?

    How I like my pictures is when I'm unaware someone is doing it. I don't like planning and posing for my picture to be taken. I love my pictures taken when I'm doing things without knowing. My pictures look more good when they are taken unaware than when I pose for it. How do you like taking...
  2. Spencer

    Have you ever been caught staring at the opposite gender?

    I've seen some people who are very good at staring at people especially their opposite gender. It looks worrying to me even though there might not be much to it. Do you find yourself staring at others especially your opposite sex? Have you been caught while at it?
  3. Spencer

    What do you usually do during weekends?

    Weekends are usually time for me to rest after working throughout the weekday. I do my laundry and cleaning of my house. After I've taken care of everything in my house, I'll hang out with my friends and have fun. How do you normally spend your weekend?
  4. Spencer

    How many books do you normally read monthly or yearly?

    Do you have a target when it comes to the number of books you read monthly or yearly? I used to target reading at least 2 books in a month but I couldn't keep up with again. There are so many other commitments which makes it impossible for me to read 2 books or more in a month now. How many...
  5. Spencer

    Ever taken a lie detector test?

    I've seen people take a lie detector test in detective and crime movies. It have always been a fascinating experience I would love to have but I can't think of anything that would make me be involved in an investigation that would need me to take a lie detector test. Have you ever taken such...
  6. Spencer

    What kind of VPN are you making use of?

    Do you like making use of VPN whenever you're surfing the internet? What kind of VPN are you using? Is it the paid or free version? Which VPN software would you regard as the best to make use of?
  7. Spencer

    Do you sleep with lights on?

    Whenever I want to sleep, all the lights in my home will be switched off especially the one's in my room. If any of my room lights is on, I wouldn't be able to sleep. Do you sleep with lights on?
  8. Spencer

    Food and Drink How many times do you eat everyday?

    How many times do you bring yourself to eat every day? Do you eat the usual 3 square meal of breakfast, lunch and dinner or you miss one or even eat more than 3 times in a day?
  9. Spencer

    Introductions Spencer is here

    Hello everyone, I'm Spencer but you can call me Spenc. I'm happy to be in this community with so many discussion topics and looking forward to making new friends and learn how to improve my social relationship with people online.
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