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Search results

  1. Nolan

    How do you not sound offensive?

    How do you tell someone who's trying to start a relationship with you that he has a mouth odour without sounding offensive? I find this as a very serious predicament which one of my friend found herself in and she's seeking for ways to address this matter without making the guy feel bad. What...
  2. Nolan

    Which cryptocurrency wallet do you use?

    Which cryptocurrency wallet have been been using since investing in cryptocurrency? I have been using Binance but a lot of people have told me about how they lost money using Binance. They are of the opinion that Binance isn't secure to protect my assets from quantum computer hackers and...
  3. Nolan

    Gaming Best couples video games to play?

    My girlfriend will be coming over for her own holidays in my place this weekend. She likes playing video games too which is something I enjoy as well. I would like for us to play couples games. I mean like a game that both of us will play at once and feel like a couple playing it. If you have...
  4. Nolan

    Gaming AI in video games?

    AI is one of the biggest trends in the world today. A day wouldn't go by without mentioning of AI being used in one thing or another. Now, AI have been used in the video games industry in game development and even playing. AI have now been trained play games which they're more efficient in...
  5. Nolan

    Gaming Which games did you play when you're depressed?

    Video games have been known to be used for different reasons. There's even video game therapy used to help some people with their health issues. If you have been depressed before, what kind of video games did you play that helped you get by?
  6. Nolan

    Are you able to wake up without an alarm?

    Many people who need to wake up at a specific time usually set an alarm to wake them up when they are fast asleep. Do you need an alarm to wake you up whenever you need to? Personally, I don't need alarm to wake me up because I've trained myself to wake up around 5am every morning. Are you able...
  7. Nolan

    How often do you replace your bedsheets?

    Do you have more than one bedsheet or you're stuck with just one but you have it washed regularly? I have 4 bedsheets which I change every 2-3 days of using one. I always wash and keep them ready for use when I need to change the one I'm currently using. How often do you replace your bedsheets?
  8. Nolan

    How often do you check your emails?

    Checking my emails is the first thing I do whenever I wake up in the morning. I have a lot of work emails being sent over when I'm asleep. I wouldn't like to miss any one of them. It's why I frequently check my mails once I get notifications on my smartphone. How often do you check your emails?
  9. Nolan

    How often do you change your toothbrush?

    The maximum I can remember using any of my toothbrush is 3 months. I can't use any toothbrush more than 3 months. There are times when I change the one I'm using within 2 months. Do you use your toothbrush longer than 2-3 months?
  10. Nolan

    How often do you fly as a means of transport?

    There are those who love to fly whenever they need to travel. It's their favorite means of transportation. I love flying too whenever it's convenient for me. This is why I fly often more than most of my friends. There are some of them who dread flying. Do you like flying?
  11. Nolan

    What can instantly ruin a friendship?

    What can instantly ruin a friendship in your case? Would it be dishonesty, lying, gossips, betrayal, blackmail or being envious? If you've ended your friendship with anyone, what led to ending the friendship?
  12. Nolan

    Would you rather own or rent your house?

    Are you living in your own house or rented apartment? How long have you been living in a rented apartment? Do you plan on buying your own house or living in a rented apartment is what's best for you?
  13. Nolan

    Would you do anything if you're going bald?

    How do you feel about going bald? Would you be embarrassed if you find out that you're losing hair to become bald? Would you go for surgery or medical treatment to grow your hair back?
  14. Nolan

    Introductions Hello

    Hey everyone. I'm Nolan from New York. I'm happy to be in this platform. The things I love getting into are mountain hiking, playing video games, music, and coding. Is there anyone else with similar hobbies like me?
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