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Search results

  1. Jayson

    Debate Are rural areas being written out of western television?

    https://www.msn.com/en-us/tv/news/for-good-or-bad-norman-lear-helped-erase-rural-america-from-tv/ar-BB1iHuUJ?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=f783e63008db4eadaf86978b8412e5bb&ei=40#comments Is this a good or bad thing? Are people afraid of shows that aren't squeaky clean and/or have them face up to...
  2. Jayson

    Debate Is modern music awful?

    https://www.msn.com/en-us/video/peopleandplaces/why-is-modern-music-so-awful/vi-BB1nq86q?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=18a1749f0bf14778abbee1a797ff3cb0&ei=10 The link lists some reasons. Do you agree? What can be done to reverse the trend if you agree?
  3. Jayson

    Debate Homophobia Not Only Affecting Gays

    It affects a lot of people and probably most aren't gay. In fact, people can't match up to gender roles and so have social difficulty in school and work. Anyway, I'm certain it's not disability or something else causing the problem, but the social environment.
  4. Jayson

    Debate Abuse is All They Know

    A lot people seek out toxic relationships, but others can't understand why. In that case, other folks will try to convince people to dump the relationships, but to no avail. What might be the reason? Is it the thread title?
  5. Jayson

    Debate Adoration of Royalty

    Some on here have said royals are useless and talentless but note how much stuff is named after them, for instance, the Canadian Provinces of Alberta and Prince Edward Island and the US states of Virginia, North/South Carolina, Georgia, Maryland etc. Should these names be dumped or is this...
  6. Jayson

    Famous Musicians Talking Down or Insulting Other Ones

    In a famous spat Paul McCartney gave Phil Collins an autograph and said something like "Oh, our little Phil wants an autograph.". Another incident involved George Harrison where he mocked the singing of Neil Young, like how dumb he thought it sounded. :sneaky:
  7. Jayson

    Debate Talking Down to Children

    While it's true adults have authority over children, there is no need to talk down to them with an attitude. It seems like rubbing in superiority. Anyway, in jobs like teaching or being a corrections officer, this can cause you to get hated by those in places against their will and that's not...
  8. Jayson

    Debate Inherited Wealth

    https://discussionhub.net/threads/prince-william.1223/ In the UK, this is another part of royal culture, in a sense. It's the whole idea that wealth is held on to by families. Do you feel it is wrong?
  9. Jayson

    Debate The Radical Left Had a Big Role in Bringing Trump on the Scene

    https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/opinion/letters-to-the-editor-do-trump-s-christian-supporters-worship-a-different-version-of-jesus/ar-BB1mYFpT?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=6abb375812ef4110bb5cec70fec55517&ei=15 As the article notes, Christians seem to be worshiping a different Jesus than the...
  10. Jayson

    Debate Has tipping gotten out of hand in the US?

    https://thespectator.com/topic/american-tipping-culture-control-service-industry/?utm_source=Article%20Art&fbclid=IwAR1W0Bj-bsDwVYo5U7dKW2mGfVZbPmcE4MZNC7FgXotv76tghqHXsT0ckUw_aem_Acf7gemDY5o7sbq-WEqDGPT1IUejaeQwpc7c7T5rdPAj2yRDh4Nf4Cpa412lKlAXlX_vjoTuWODF2aB1NFYBDQ8l This article notes the...
  11. Jayson

    Debate Flat Earth People

    How do they explain the northern and southern lights, internet, cable TV, sunsets, you name it? This would be a treat to know. Anyone have thoughts? Oh, is the earth flat?
  12. Jayson

    Debate The Church and Politics

    To be honest, though, the cultural left has also poisoned the church. It depends on what church we are talking about. However, though, what about what the "actual church" should be, as talked about in the video?
  13. Jayson

    Debate Are fast food attempts at a deal too small?

    https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/other/mcdonald-s-5-meal-deal-faces-criticism-as-customers-brand-the-offer-skimpy-and-inadequate/ar-BB1mDbxW?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=232841a488724c998912b2a69a4850d9&ei=27 What is worth $5? Myself, I think the deals are adequate. However, it's not a buffet...
  14. Jayson

    Debate Elon Musk Says Working from Home is Evil

    What he's saying is that work from home people want some unfair easier existence than people who have to report to work. However, that's not always the case. In fact, a job with deadlines working from home can be much harder than many jobs where you report to work.
  15. Jayson

    News Using AI to Fake Audio Recordings and the Resulting Problems

    Obviously, this is a very dangerous topic. In fact, whole lives can be jeopardized from misunderstandings. Anyway, this is just one of many ways AI can do evil.
  16. Jayson

    Debate Is Trump the Anti-Christ?

    He fits a lot of the biblical predictions of the anti-Christ. It's rather creepy. Do you agree?
  17. Jayson

    Debate The Case to Make Drugs Illegal

    https://www.foxnews.com/us/seattle-man-arrested-connection-9-month-old-sons-fatal-shooting It's not the cool message these days, but the problem with making drugs legal is the association with violence, and it's especially disturbing when it involves child abuse. Well, do you feel a...
  18. Jayson

    Debate Marijuana's Link to Violence

    https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7084484/#:~:text=Marijuana%20use%20causes%20violent%20behavior%20through%20increased%20aggressiveness%2C I'm not advocating banning it, but I think the media downplays anti-pot propaganda. In fact, I have a hunch that a lot of violence is coming...
  19. Jayson

    Caffeine and Tobacco Before Bed?

    I'm not commenting on whether they are bad for you, but rather is it good to ingest strong stimulants before going to bed? Well, I got into this habit. It's because after a day of work, a lot of strong soda like Mountain Dew relaxes my nerves.
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