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Search results

  1. arunima25

    Celebration Yay! A new badge here.

    Hello friends, So, here I drop in to celebrate the new badge that I have just received from the site. It is for my 750 posts achievement. Yay! It does feel like a celebration time. Thank you Discussion Hub for acknowledging such milestone achievements. This badges do motivate us. Enjoy your time...
  2. arunima25

    If your weekend doesn't match with others

    Good morning. It is Friday morning 10 AM here and I am enjoying my time here with my online engagement and cooking my lunch. Friday and Saturday are off for me. This is my new weekend from July this year. My Sunday got busy with one training course that I am attending and half of it goes for the...
  3. arunima25

    It's a long weekend for many here.

    It's Sunday night here. It's past 10 PM here but I am not in a rush to hit the pillow. Yay!! I don't have to go to work tomorrow. It's another long weekend for me. Well, the last weekend was also a long one. We had Independence day on Thursday, Vara mahalaxmi celebration on Friday. Tomorrow is...
  4. arunima25

    A double dinner today.

    It's 8:30 PM and I just had my second dinner now. Well, it doesn't happen with me, but today it has happened. I will generally have my dinner at 7 PM. Today, I skipped my lunch. I had a heavy breakfast of a veggies loaded omelette, one toast and a small banana. I was full to skip my mid morning...
  5. arunima25

    What is one thing that you would like to learn?

    Learning never ceases...Life in true sense stops if you stop learning. I am always open for learning. And I keep learning every moment of my life, from people around me and from things I watch or read. Apart from them, I am always upgrading myself with some skill in a formal set up or just...
  6. arunima25

    Writing your autobiography.

    In the course that I am doing currently every Sunday, there is a block of Human Biography. We had that block on the last two Sundays. We are around 80 educators and 20 mentors from across the globe in a wide range of age group. The youngest being 23 from the UK and the oldest being 67 from...
  7. arunima25

    News Indonesia's Independence Day

    Google Doodle celebrates Indonesia's Independence day today with a very attractive and colourful presentation. It shows parading men and women in traditional outfits with the Indonesian flag. And one can see some colourful traditional Indonesian designs in the background. Indonesia got its...
  8. arunima25

    Has your movie watching increased or decreased?

    My husband and I have been movie lovers all our lives. Before the pandemic, we would end up visiting the theatre at least twice in a month on Saturdays. And if there were good movies releasing back to back, we would be there every week. Friday nights have been a ritual with us to watch late...
  9. arunima25

    It's a long weekend.

    Yay! I am into long weekend mood already. It's just mid of the week. I am enjoying my Wednesday evening watching some TV and enjoying the online hustles. It's a long weekend here and I get back to work on Monday. We have our Independence day tomorrow and Friday is a holiday on account of Vara...
  10. arunima25

    A little hurt kept me away.

    Good afternoon. I am back from work and had my hot lunch. And now I have some time to be online and catch up with the online life. I went missing from the online world from the last three days. I had a tight schedule with my work and my training classes on weekends. But then there was another...
  11. arunima25

    Celebration time for Indian Hockey.

    There has been quite a few setbacks for India at Paris Olympics this time. Despite spectacular performances by many athletes a players, India could not win many medals. And quite a few times, India ended up being on 4th position missing a medal by a hairline. But then that's what sports are...
  12. arunima25

    What are your hobbies? Do you find them helping with your emotional health.?

    Hobbies are considered to be very important for any human being. Having a hobby or hobbies is essential to get some recreation and.rejuvenation. It helps you maintain a balance in life and have a good mental and emotional health. It also helps to fight boredom. You have something to keep you...
  13. arunima25

    Yay! My new batch.

    Recently one user here had posted about getting a badge about her 500 posts achievement. At that time, I was excited to get it too. I had already got badges for 50 posts, 100 posts and 300 posts. I was nearing 500 posts when I read that post. When I reached the 500th post, I checked for the...
  14. arunima25

    Happy new week to everyone.

    It's a bright sunny Monday with cool breeze. The weather is just gorgeous. It's 11:52 AM as I write this. I am done with my work at school. It got over at 11:30. I am waiting to collect few reports of children from one of the middle school teacher. She would be free in another ten minutes. After...
  15. arunima25

    News Natural calamities in India... devastating pictures.

    You switch on the TV for any Indian news channels and it is flooded with the heart breaking visuals of devastations in various states of India. Social media is flooded with such upsetting visuals too. Natural calamities has impacted various places across the country. Flash floods, cloud bursts...
  16. arunima25

    When was the last time you went for vacation?

    It's the beginning of August and it is our third month into the new academic year. We are coming to the end of our first trimester with August. I resumed work from July after a two months long summer vacation. We went to Phuket and Bangkok ( for a week), made a ten days trip to North of India...
  17. arunima25

    Do you have a favourite among your children?

    Well, being a mother, I can say from my personal experience that it would not be possible. I have two daughters and I love them both equally. But there have been moments of sibling rivalry where each one of them have accused me to be partial and favouring one over the other. " You love her more...
  18. arunima25

    Have you come across the first look of Gladiator 2?

    Yes, you heard it right. After a long wait of 24 years, the sequel of the movie, Gladiator, is ready to hit the cinemas soon. Ridley Scott's Gladiator that hit the cinema 24 years back starring Russel Crowe. The sequel, Gladiator 2, is start studded, featuring Paul Mescal, Pedro Pascal, Denzel...
  19. arunima25

    Young badminton player dies in mid of the game.

    It's the news that flashed on my phone as soon as I picked it up for my online work. That's shocking! The shocking video has got viral on all social media and digital platforms in no time. A 17 years old Chinese Badminton Player, Zhang Zhijjie died of sudden cardiac arrest in middle of the...
  20. arunima25

    Print books or digital ones

    I have been an avid reader all my life. I have always enjoyed reading. Now a days, I see that more and more people are shifting to the digital formats be it on Kindle or other such digital platforms. But I still continue to be the old school way in love with printed books. I love the smell of...
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