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Search results

  1. R

    Daily Threads How Are You Feeling Today?

    After a very stressful day at work, I feel so weak and worn out. I'm resting already, hopefully I'll feel better soon.
  2. R

    Daily Threads What time did you go to bed last night?

    I went to bed last night around 11pm. I was sleeping till 4am. If I get at least 6 hours of sleep, I feel great.
  3. R

    Daily Threads General Chat Thread

    I had a hectic day at work. I'm home now but feel so tired. I've taken my bath and resting in my living room.
  4. R

    Daily Threads What is the current time right now?

    It's 5:43PM. It haven't been long I came back from work. I'm so tired. I might sleep soon.
  5. R

    Daily Threads What time did you wake today?

    If you don't have much doing, you should rest. I woke up around 4am. I've been used to waking up that time.
  6. R

    Which club is your favorite this season

    I'm Liverpool fan. I don't see myself being in support of any other club or having them as my favourite even if my club isn't doing well.
  7. R

    Do you warm up before exercise?

    I've been advised to warm up before playing any active sports. Even when I want to workout at the gym, I do light warm up before doing any intense drills.
  8. R

    What's your favorite sport?

    My favorite sports is football and MMA with UFC the best brand I enjoy watching more than others. I'm looking forward to UFC 311 on 19th January.
  9. R

    Sports Last match you watched?

    Newcastle vs Arsenal in the first leg of EFL cup was the last match I watched. Newcastle won 2-0. I think they have eliminated Arsenal.
  10. R

    Introductions I'm Ryder

    Hello folks! My name is Ryder. I'm very happy to be here. It's a general discussion forum with so much to talk about. I've taken interest in the sports section.
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