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  1. Shortie

    Daily Threads How Are You Feeling Today?

    I am sorry to hear this, food poisoning is never a fun time. Wishing you a speedy recovery.
  2. Shortie

    Daily Threads What is the current time right now?

    The time for me right now is 10.27 pm.
  3. Shortie

    Forum Games Associations

  4. Shortie

    Forum Games Movie Names In Alphabet Order

    Michael Jackson's Moonwalker.
  5. Shortie

    Forum Games A - Z of TV Shows

    House M.D
  6. Shortie

    Forum Games This or That

    Has to be Classic Dr. Who. I tried watching the New Who and found I couldn't get on with it as much as the classics. Music or TV?
  7. Shortie

    Forum Games Count to 2026 before 2026!

  8. Shortie

    TV What is on your TV right now?

    At the moment a YouTube Live Stream from LEQION is playing on my TV.
  9. Shortie

    Daily Threads How Are You Feeling Today?

    I am feeling a little down today but after going out for a walk a little bit ago and taking some time away from everything, I feel that my head is in a better place now and know the next steps to take to deal with an issue I am going through at the moment.
  10. Shortie

    Do you use AI image generator?

    I had never used an AI Image Generator at all but I found that Opera GX has Aria which is an AI and I decided to play about with it and put in prompts to create images. I was not disappointed with the results!
  11. Shortie

    How many times you charge your mobile daily?

    I did not know this, I was always under the impression that you had to let your phone battery almost die before charging to give the battery the best life. I tend to wait until it gets to around 50% and charge it now as I have noticed that if I don't, the following day, especially if I am...
  12. Shortie

    Daily Threads How are you feeling at the moment?

    My week hasn't started out the greatest so I am feeling a little stressed and down at the moment. I do have my driving lesson tomorrow so I am hoping that will cheer me up a little, I am doing well and close to test status so hopefully I can do great on my lesson tomorrow and see how much closer...
  13. Shortie

    Daily Threads What is the current time right now?

    The time for me currently is 10.06 pm.
  14. Shortie

    Forum Games This or That

    I was never a huge fan of Star Trek, that was my mum and still to this day I know she loves Star Trek. If I were to go for one though it would be Spock. Gryffindor or Slytherin?
  15. Shortie

    Forum Games A - Z of TV Shows

  16. Shortie

    Daily Poll How do you feel about Mondays?

    I don't like Mondays at all. I have always been someone who has said that if your Monday goes well, the rest of the week will go well but usually, I am greeted by Mondays that have a bad start to the week.
  17. Shortie

    Forum Games Movie Names In Alphabet Order

    Kick Ass
  18. Shortie

    Forum Games Associations

  19. Shortie

    Forum Games Count to 2026 before 2026!

  20. Shortie

    What was the last YouTube video you watched?

    The last YouTube video I watched was the one I am watching now which is a live stream on YouTube from a live streamer and content creator, LEQION.
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