Discussion Hub

Discussion Hub is a general discussion community aiming to provide a fun and laidback environment with a touch of old school. We have a diverse memberbase with people from all over the world and tons of content for you to get involved in and share your perspective. We’d love for you to become a part of our awesome community.

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  1. Ja sa bong

    Do you think that there can be life on other planets?

    I am not thinking that there is a possibility of other lives being existent on other planets but I know for certain that there are so many other lives forms that are existing across the Galaxy. It will only take time before all those life forms would be made something that is public knowledge...
  2. Ja sa bong

    What other time would you like to live in?

    I'm not sure if there is any specific time I would be interested in living but I think the time before the use of social media became very rampant the way it is today would be nice for me to live in that time. This is because it means having time associate with people on personal terms unlike...
  3. Ja sa bong

    If you could see an alternate reality where life is like..

    The only alternate reality which I would be interested in seeing is what the world is going to be like when they have fully exploited making use of Artificial intelligence that is becoming very popular today. I know that the world is completely going to change after we have maximised making use...
  4. Ja sa bong

    Going back to roots

    This is very true because I know that there are so many other sources of getting protein which is going to be beneficial to someone's health which doesn't have to require eating meat. It's the reason why those who are vegetarians have always managed to never be lacking protein or suffering any...
  5. Ja sa bong

    Home Improvement

    Time is everything in life because even if you have all the money in the world and not the time for you to do something, you will still not be able to do that because you have to make out time to be able to do the things that matters to you. I'm glad that you finally managed to have the time to...
  6. Ja sa bong

    What are the health tips you can give to online workers?

    When you are working online as a freelancer, it is very important for you to know that it is not a must for you to do everything in one day. You are not a robot which means that your body can break down at any moment when you over work it. This is why you need to take a break once in a while so...
  7. Ja sa bong

    Do you like hot sauces?

    I do not think there is anyone out there who enjoys eating their sauce cold because it is going to test a little bit awkward and make the food not enjoyable. I have always enjoyed having my sauce with my food whenever I'm eating to be hot because that is how I enjoy it most of the time.
  8. Ja sa bong

    Do you prefer wireless headphones over wired ones?

    The technology behind wireless headphone is very impressive and it's the reason why a lot of people are so much interested in making use of it but there are still a lot of old school people who are still very much interested in making use of wired headphones which I am one of them. This is...
  9. Ja sa bong

    Do you often drink carbonated drinks?

    Since I became an adult, I can't remember the last time I took any carbonated drink because I knew it is something which is not good for my health. I am always very careful when it comes to the things I consume because I know that a lot of health issues comes as a result of what we eat.
  10. Ja sa bong

    Did you have a toy that you dreamed about as a child, but you never bought it?

    My dream of toys when I was still a child is enormous and there is no way my parents will be able to buy all of the toys that I wanted because there was plenty of them which are expensive too. They did manage to buy me some of the toys I wanted which made my childhood to be memorable as I was...
  11. Ja sa bong

    Did you acquire any skills at your first job that helped you in the future?

    I never waited to be employed on my first job before I started acquiring skills. I learnt from a very young age that it is going to be to my advantage to have a lot of skills that will make me to settle in easy any kind of job that I have been employed to do. I picked up a few skills when I was...
  12. Ja sa bong

    Did you have a memorable trip?

    I have gone on a lot of camping trips with my father when I was still a child. Each and every one of the trip that we went to have always been memorable in my life. I have never forgotten any trip that I went to my father because I had the opportunity to bond with my father more than any other...
  13. Ja sa bong

    What food would you never eat if you were paid?

    I've heard that there are some part of the world where people eat dog meat and also snake meat. There is nothing in this world that would make me to succumb to eating dog as meat or even snakes. I hate snakes so much more than anything. Both of them are something I would never bring myself to...
  14. Ja sa bong

    Do you have any food allergies?

    I am very fortunate not to have any kind of allergies for any food. This makes it very easy for me to eat any kind of food that I want to eat without having to worry about any kind of health complication that is going to come from eating that kind of food. I'm very happy that I don't have to...
  15. Ja sa bong

    Do you wear pajamas to sleep?

    My mother told me that when I was a kid, It was very difficult for me to wear anything to sleep because it will be the stopping me sleeping as I prefer to sleep naked. Right now, I enjoy wearing pyjamas to sleep especially when the weather is not too hot so that the wear will not be causing me...
  16. Ja sa bong

    Have you ever worn a hat in winter?

    Whenever the weather is too much cold during winter season, I will avail myself to wear winter hats so that my head will be covered and protected from the excessive cold of the season. I also wear hats during summer as well especially when the weather is too hot and I will have to work under the...
  17. Ja sa bong

    What was your dream job as a child?

    Becoming a musician is very easy but being successful as a musician is something that is very difficult which is why a lot of people who venture into the field of becoming musician don't really come out on top successful. I will advice you putting in more effort into seeing that you become...
  18. Ja sa bong

    What have pissed you off about your job?

    I am the kind of person who is always tolerant to the kind of job I am doing even though there are some situations that makes it very uncomfortable for me at work. But for the reason that I need to get paid, I will have to endure whatever I am facing at work so that I will keep my job and keep...
  19. Ja sa bong

    Which promises have you broken?

    I have never made any promise to anyone and fail not to fulfill the promise. I understand what it means to make promise and what it means to break a promise to someone which is the reason why before I make a promise to anyone, I must make sure it is something I will do anything humanly possible...
  20. Ja sa bong

    What's the biggest amount you won from betting and gambling?

    I have never worn any amount of money from betting and gambling because I don't believe in making use of those means to make money as a result of not having any kind of guarantees of being able to make money from them. A lot of people lose so much money from betting and gambling which is what I...