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  1. Ja sa bong

    Do you find modern education useful?

    Education is very useful in my opinion and it doesn't matter if it is modern education or traditional education. The possibility of learning something that you never knew from being educated is what makes it very important. It gives you opportunity in places where if you don't have knowledge you...
  2. Ja sa bong

    How do you resolve conflicts with people you live with?

    I am not currently living with anyone which is why I don't have to resolve any conflict between anybody since I am living alone but I have been involved in a conflict resolution group that was set to handle the an issue between two families in my neighborhood which we did a very good job in...
  3. Ja sa bong

    Do you find it necessary to air the room before going to bed?

    I have air conditioning system unit installed in my house and one of them is also in my room. I always make sure that I switch on the air conditioning system few hours before I go to bed, so that the room will be chilled for me to sleep easily. Whatever the room is chilled, I always find it very...
  4. Ja sa bong

    What do you think is the most important invention of mankind?

    I would also say that the internet is the most important invention by mankind today because almost every other technology that have been developed today is connected to the internet in one way or another. Look at what is happening today with the invention of artificial intelligence, they are all...
  5. Ja sa bong

    Which place of all the ones you traveled to left the most emotions?

    I mentioned in another thread about having to go on a lot of camping trips with my father when I was still a kid and I had so much encounter with my father during those periods. It is a trip which left a very big impression in my life and it's always memorable whenever I remember all the places...
  6. Ja sa bong

    Have you started preparing for your retirement?

    The best way for you to prepare for your retirement is by having strong investments that are worth a lot of money which will go a very long way in serving as your retirement funds so that you will not have any need to go and start looking for something to do that is going to fetch you money when...
  7. Ja sa bong

    Ever gotten back in a relationship with an ex?

    I have come to understand that a lot of people lack dignity in their life which is the reason why they would be interested in getting back with their ex after they have openly and officially ended their relationship. If they are the kind of people that have dignity, they will never bring...
  8. Ja sa bong

    What is the best way for you to relax after a hard day's work?

    People have different way they enjoy to relax which is why it is not going to be the same thing for everybody when it comes to how they choose to relax after they are back from work. If I'm asked how I enjoy to relax when I am back from work, it will be sitting in my couch and enjoying some cool...
  9. Ja sa bong

    What gifts do you give to your relatives?

    The kind of gifts which I give to my relatives depends on the level of closure and relationship I have with each and every one of the person who is my relative. It is not what I give to Mr A that I give to Mr B. Our relationship is going to determine the kind of gift I will be interested in...
  10. Ja sa bong

    Would you be better off alone than in a company?

    If the company I am going to keep is not made up of people who are worth being in my circle, I would rather be very much comfortable staying on my own and enjoying my privacy all to myself than having people that I cannot rely on to be trustworthy. It's hard to find those you can trust.
  11. Ja sa bong

    What do you think are the most important skills for travel?

    It is very important for you to understand the language of the country you are traveling to because when you can't understand the language of the people of the country you are traveling to, it will be very difficult for you to communicate which will make such movement very unsatisfactory for you.
  12. Ja sa bong

    Best countries to travel by car?

    It depends on the distance of the country you have interest in traveling to because most countries are miles apart which will make it very difficult for you to travel to those country by car. I haven't traveled to any country by car because the journey is going to be too stressful for me to be...
  13. Ja sa bong

    Is it easier for you to work when your desk and whole house is clean?

    I'm very sensitive to any thing that is dirt which is why I will find it very difficult to work in an environment that is unkept. I always make sure that I clean up my desk whenever I am working so that I will not even have to encounter any kind of dust particle on my table.
  14. Ja sa bong

    How soon after eating do you wash the dishes?

    My sister taught me how to do my dishes immediately after eating because it is much easier for you to wash those plates when the food particles are still very soft on the plate. She is strictly against having the dishes dumped in the washing sink after eating without washing them immediately and...
  15. Ja sa bong

    What usually gives you nightmare when sleeping at night?

    It is not easy for those who are constantly having nightmares every night whenever they sleep because it makes it so uncomfortable for them to go to bed without having to face pressure that they are going to have another nightmare attack that very night. It makes them not enjoy anything that...
  16. Ja sa bong

    Which moral principle do you think is the most important and why?

    One of the moral principles that I uphold very strongly in my life is having respect for mother nature because it is where all life came from and if anything is done to destroy nature, the entire environment is going to suffer drastically for it. If a lot of people have much respect for nature...
  17. Ja sa bong

    If you could have any animal for a pet...

    After watching a lot of sci-fi movies where monkeys are used for laboratory experiments, I have started developing phobia that monkeys will be contaminated in one way or another, which is the reason why it is going to be very difficult for me to keep them as pets even if they are cleared to not...
  18. Ja sa bong

    Have you ever left a bad review about a company on the Internet?

    I am always very honest when it comes to giving reviews about any product I have used. It doesn't matter if I am doing it online or offline but I will make sure that whatever I am reviewing about the product is the truth about the product so I will not mislead any other person who is interested...
  19. Ja sa bong

    What are your impressions of the rain, do you like it or not?

    I love it whenever it rains because it makes the weather to be cool unlike when the weather is very hot. The only thing which I don't like so much about rain is how it makes everywhere messy and it gets dirt on my shoe which I don't appreciate whenever I have something stain my shoes.
  20. Ja sa bong

    Do you have flower pots on your desk and do you take care of them?

    No, I don't have any flower pots on my desks at my workplace because there is no room for me to have such on my desks. It is going to be somehow pushed over by something and it's going to break. But I do have flower pot on my desk at home because it is more convenient for me to have it at home.