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  1. Ja sa bong

    How do you maintain yout fitness routine while traveling?

    It is not a must that I incorporate working out in my traveling routine because the nature of my traveling is what will determine if it is going to be necessary for me to be going to the gym where I travel to. But if it's what I can be able to do, I can easily work out at home in the hotel where...
  2. Ja sa bong

    What are the benefits of incorporating bodyweight exercises into a workout routine?

    Exercising is one of the best way for you to keep fit and be healthy. It is something I enjoy doing very often because it is recommended by my doctor. If you are doing body weight exercise, it will help to make you to be strong because you will be developing muscles at targeted areas of your body.
  3. Ja sa bong

    How do you think traditions have changed over time?

    The way which I am going to give you an instance when it comes to how tradition have changed over time is what we have in technology advancement today. This is because whatever we are using today have been developed and upgraded by technology to make that thing to be more efficient and better...
  4. Ja sa bong

    How tall are you?

    For me, he doesn't matter if anyone thinks I am too short or too tall because that person will not have anything to do in my life. As for my height, I am very comfortable the way I have grown to be and anyone that is not satisfied or happy with the way I am, should say whatever he or she likes...
  5. Ja sa bong


    I would say that this is a very serious psychological problem which you have to work on it right now that you are much younger. If I have this kind of problem, I will never have peace of mind because it is going to make my life to be so uncomfortable and restless until I have been able to fix...
  6. Ja sa bong

    Have your addiction cost you anything?

    No, I have never had any negative addition which is something that I have to worry about affecting my life generally on the long run. The only kind of addiction that I've had are positive addiction which have contributed so much in making my life to be better than it used to be when I was younger.
  7. Ja sa bong

    Have you been drunk once in your life?

    No, I have never been drunk in my life so I don't know what it feels like for someone to be drunk because he or she have taken a lot of alcoholic beverages and can no longer be able to hold or control how the alcohol is affecting him. I have always known how to load hold my liquor which is why I...
  8. Ja sa bong

    What can instantly ruin a friendship?

    It is said that respect is reciprocal which is why whenever you are in a relationship with someone, both of you have to respect each other so that there will be mutual understanding that will ensure the longevity of that relationship. This is because when someone doesn't respect you, you will...
  9. Ja sa bong

    How fast can you type?

    It is true about not getting paid because you type very fast which is why I am sure a lot of people are not worried about how fast they are typing when they are communicating with their friends online using any social media site or even working in their different offices because they are not...
  10. Ja sa bong

    Do you have any addictions?

    Vaping and smoking are the same thing to me which is why whenever I hear someone talking about trying to quit smoking by going to vape, I will just conclude that the person is not serious about dropping the habit of smoking because whatever the person is doing is still damaging the person's...
  11. Ja sa bong

    Teddy Bears

    If I was your parents and you did this to the teddy bear I bought for you, I will spank you and also not buy you any toy for a very long time so that you understand the gravity of what you have done. It is how I enjoy training kids so that they know the value of things that have been given to...
  12. Ja sa bong

    How often do you fly as a means of transport?

    The high cost of living which everyone is suffering from today is making it very difficult for a lot of people to afford paying for flights in order to travel to wherever they need to be as a means of transportation. This is why they have to resort to making use of other means of transportation...
  13. Ja sa bong

    Have you been affected by high cost of living?

    Anyone who is not affected by the high cost of living that is ravaging the whole world must be doing so well with the kind of investment the person have put his or her money into or the person is working in a company that is paying him or her a huge amount of money to take care of his...
  14. Ja sa bong

    Have you been stung by a bee?

    I am an allergic to bees which is why I try as much as possible to avoid going to anywhere there will be a possibility of bees attacking me because if that should happen, I will start having seizure which will require immediate medical assistance. If nothing happens, I might end up passing out...
  15. Ja sa bong

    How often do you change your toothbrush?

    Even if you check your toothbrush under the microscope when it is only two weeks, you will definitely find some germs under the root of your toothbrush which is why some people even change their toothbrush on weekly basis so that they don't have to get any sort of germs contaminated in their mouth.
  16. Ja sa bong

    What makes your national cuisine unique?

    Bouillabaisse is our traditional food cuisine which I love so much more than any other food made in my country. It's a dish that's made with a lot of fish and it's very delicious. It's one of the most famous seafood dishes we cook for our people and tourists love it too.
  17. Ja sa bong

    How do you react to unexpected time waste?

    I am very sensitive about time because I know that time is money. If I have any arrangement with someone, I always try as much as possible to keep to time because I don't like wasting people's time and I don't appreciate it when someone waste my time. If someone is going to delay me on anything...
  18. Ja sa bong

    How to fight overeating on winter or other holidays?

    As much as I enjoy eating food because I also cook my own food, I have control over what I eat because I know how easy it is for you to gain weight because you are eating too much and how difficult it is for you to lose weight when you have added unnecessary weight because you are overfeeding.
  19. Ja sa bong

    Have you ever been taken away by an ambulance because of an illness?

    No, I have never been taken on an ambulance ride to the hospital before as a result of any kind of health challenges. I am always very healthy most of the time and even when I am sick, it is not something that will require me being taken to the hospital with an ambulance.
  20. Ja sa bong

    What food will help you keep the skin of your face in good shape?

    To the best of my knowledge, any food that can make your body to be very good will always going to work on your face as well, which is why eating of fruits and organic food is what I know that will have the potential of making your face to always look very good. You should try as much as...