Discussion Hub

Discussion Hub is a general discussion community aiming to provide a fun and laidback environment with a touch of old school. We have a diverse memberbase with people from all over the world and tons of content for you to get involved in and share your perspective. We’d love for you to become a part of our awesome community.

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  1. Nomad

    Is the reels feed well optimized for your preferences?

    It is not. I frequently come across none sense content. I also get a lot of bad content so I frequently use report feature. I think meta has to work hard on making Reels algorithm better.
  2. Nomad

    Isn't Google a blessing for us?

    Yeah, Google is a blessing for us. It has made easier to find information online. It has even created a lot of programs that helps people learn and also earn. I have been using Google and Google's products for more than18 years
  3. Nomad

    How many times you charge your mobile daily?

    I charge my phone depending on its usage, sometimes when I use it a lot, I charge twice every 24 hours, and when I am not using it too much, I charge once every 24 hours. My phone has a good battery backup despite being a couple of years old
  4. Nomad

    Are You Part of Index forum?

    I am one of the earliest members on Index Forum, ownership changed three times and I continued to use the forum. I am active on the forum and until recently I was working as a staff member.
  5. Nomad

    Do you like Tiktok or Related apps?

    I use tiktok but I am not very active on tiktok, I don't even publish content. I mainly use tiktok for advertising. Tiktok's most active user group is Gen Z and if I have to promote something to this generation, I like to run ads on tiktok.
  6. Nomad

    DH Contests July Jamboree Posting and Referral Contest!

    Great contest idea. I think giving more prizes to participants will bring more activities on the forum
  7. Nomad

    Nepali food panipur

    Yes, Panipuri is popular street food here in Nepal, but the food itself is not truly Nepali. It arrived from India. Momos, which is also popular in India, mostly in North India, is actually a truly Nepali food.
  8. Nomad

    June Summer Solstice Showdown Posting Contest Winners

    Congratulations everyone
  9. Nomad

    June Summer Solstice Showdown Referral Contest Winners

    Congratulations every one.
  10. Nomad

    How often do you check your emails?

    My email notifications are on, so I do not have to go to check email, I will be notified as soon as email arrives. Based on the sender and subject, I decide on whether I should open the email or not.
  11. Nomad

    Ask Stan

    Looks like I am already a member on some of your sites. By the way, if you consider buying forums and add to your impressive list of forums, you can consider me. I have mental health forum database, general discussion forum, and investment niche forum. :D
  12. Nomad

    Ask Stan

    you created website in 1996? Well, I was not even using internet back then. Do you plan to introduce ads on this forum? I ask this question because you are giving away a lot of money on prizes and you are not even generating revenue.
  13. Nomad

    Debate Should governments have the right to access and monitor individuals' online activities for national security?

    No, I do not think government should be allowed to be monitor individuals' online activities. I believe they should first get enough proof that the individual is actually engaged in illegal activities and then get court order to monitor activities.
  14. Nomad

    Why do you like DISCUSSION HUB?

    This calls for more topic creation. Most users are interested only in replying (because it takes less time), which makes them reply to the same topic again and again.
  15. Nomad

    June Summer Solstice Showdown [RULE UPDATE AS OF 24/06/2024]

    Rewarding members to join through your referral link is a common practice. You can see this on the marketplace section of multiple forums. If you create a rule, that's very good at least it will be fair for other users. Since a lot of people use social media sites to promote their links, you...
  16. Nomad

    Play station or Xbox

    I think all gaming consoles are more or less same, whether you use playstation, xbox or Nintendo, you will experience same thing. The only difference is brand game and your comfort level. You will always feel comfortable with the console that you have used.
  17. Nomad

    Can excessive gaming impact one's social life?

    When you associate "excessive" with anything it will not be very good. As long as you are doing with moderation, most of the things you do will be good. If you play games in moderation, it can be very good for your mental health and cognitive functions.
  18. Nomad

    Play station or Xbox

    I have used xbox a couple of times but I have never owned xbox consoles. I have used playstation 4 and currently I have playstation 5. I like playstation because that's the console I have been using for many years.
  19. Nomad

    When you play online games, how aggressive are you?

    Trying hard to win and having winning mindset is very good, however, if you you only care about wining, you will also be very aggressive, we can see this in sports as well. Aggression targeted towards other people is not good.
  20. Nomad

    Let us know about earning sites.

    This is a freelancing site, you create a gig and when someone buys your gigs you make money. You can run ads for your gig to appear on the top pages for increasing the chances of selling. This is something like Fiverr but less competitive