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Recent content by xboxfoxy

  1. xboxfoxy

    WYR Know how you’re going to die or when you’re going to die?

    Tough question! while I feel knowing when I will die, or how I will die could help me prepare, get my finances in order and possibly save my life, I wouldn't want to know, as it would drive me nuts!!!
  2. xboxfoxy

    Daily Poll Burgers or Tacos?

    I like both equally; they're not my favorite but I will eat them every once in a while!
  3. xboxfoxy

    This may be a signal that this is enough internet for today 🤣

    Omg!!! LOL I did not want to see or hear that! 😆
  4. xboxfoxy

    Paranormal Do you believe in ghosts?

    @Shortie I am such a coward, I dont know how I would react if I felt or heard anything paranormal as you described. Your story is very similar to what my mom and uncle have described. I'm glad I dont have that 6th sense that allows you guys to feel these things 👻
  5. xboxfoxy

    News Fighter condemned by UFC boss after calling Hitler a 'good guy'

    I'm glad Dana White is condemning these horrific comments. Hitler was an evil individual who murdered over 6 Million people, including children, just because of his hatred to Jews. Very disappointing that young people these days do not know the true history of that horrific time.
  6. xboxfoxy

    News Colombians working illegally in US should return home, country's president says

    Sounds like a good plan to me. It seems that Colombia's president will financially assist his people to get on their feet. The other choice for these migrants if they choose to stay in the US is to be on the run and hide and not know when they will get caught.
  7. xboxfoxy

    If you could instantly master any skill, what would it be and why?

    Very good question, but hard to answer! Hmm I think memory, the ability to remember everything! Life would have been so much easier in school, university, work if I could remember everything!
  8. xboxfoxy

    Daily Poll Pineapple on pizza – yay or nay? 🍍🍕

    I don't hate it, so it's a yay for me, however that's a once in a blue pizza for me.
  9. xboxfoxy

    News A small plane has crashed in Northeast Philadelphia near Cottman and Roosevelt Boulevard

    Terrible in so many levels, reports indicate this was an air ambulance where the pilots, medical staff, patient and family member perished.
  10. xboxfoxy

    Entertainment News Selena Gomez breaks down in tears over Trump's deportations

    I find it a little over dramatic. Where do I start? She is is not from Mexico, she does not speak Spanish, both her parents were born in the United States, her mother is White and yes, her dad was born to Mexicans parents, but that doesn't mean you have to cry the way she was crying!! Plus, my...
  11. xboxfoxy

    TV What is on your TV right now?

    I am currently watching Sundays' episode of Worst Cooks in America. I normally don't like the regular show, but this season is the "celebrity" edition, so because there are a few faces I recognize I'm watching it, and it's pretty fun to watch!
  12. xboxfoxy

    Paranormal Do you believe in ghosts?

    I believe what I see and I've never seen a ghost or felt anything paranormal. Now, my mother, uncle and his wife are a different story. They believe in ghosts because they claimed to have seen, heard and felt our deceased family members... do I believe them? I believe they think they've felt...
  13. xboxfoxy

    Food and Drink What is your go-to McDonald's order?

    Burger wise, I prefer Burger King, but if I go to McDonalds my order is a Deluxe McCrispy sandwich, with medium fries and either a caramel frappe or vanilla shake.
  14. xboxfoxy

    Food and Drink Have you ever or would you ever become a vegetarian?

    Several years ago, when I was in College I attempted to become a vegetarian, for the simple reason of my love for animals, unfortunately I couldn't go past one week. I don't eat a lot of meats and maybe one day, I'll try to go meat free one day.. not sure when. 😕
  15. xboxfoxy

    WYR Would you rather have a pet dragon or a pet unicorn?

    I have a soft spot for donkeys, so a pet uniform will be my pick 🦄
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