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  • We have now changed the post count rule to post your website in the Website Directory and the Member Showcase to 10, this was previously 50 but we felt it was too high. You can read more about this change here >>> https://discussionhub.net/threads/update-of-rules-for-the-member-showcase.4356/

Recent content by ~ True Legend ~

  1. ~ True Legend ~

    What browser do you use?

    Btw in case you didn’t realise there’s an adblocker extension in chrome that even blocks ads in youtube vids
  2. ~ True Legend ~


    I hope therapy helps, and I’m sorry to hear your bro has depression, I really am :(
  3. ~ True Legend ~

    Do you like sleeping with pillows?

    Do you need pillows in airplanes? I do, not for my seat but in fact for me to lean on, on the window. And for me to feel comfortable, yes, it must be a window seat
  4. ~ True Legend ~

    Go back or forward in time?

    They experienced layoffs though didn’t they? The issue is when the pandemic occurs the market is so unprdictable! Many have lost money by investing in tech during covid, for stock prices to shoot down as redundancies in big tech were made!
  5. ~ True Legend ~

    Do you allow multiple accounts on your forum?

    Yeah it’s reasonable to want to uphold a standard of integrity on your forum
  6. ~ True Legend ~

    Artificial Intelligence

    Yeah there’s been quite the controversy when a mass email was sent by ChatGPT to express condolences to one who’d decreased. Unempathetic approach if you ask me!
  7. ~ True Legend ~

    AMA Ask Kyng

    @Kyng !!!!!!!!
  8. ~ True Legend ~

    Daily Threads What is the weather like today?

    Correction: the cold
  9. ~ True Legend ~

    Introductions Hello everyone!

    Welcome to DH :) Please don’t fulfil your dreams by sending lions to eat up the human race XD
  10. ~ True Legend ~

    Introductions Debashis here

    How could you fool me :P ? Welcome to DH :)
  11. ~ True Legend ~

    Introductions Hello from Cali

    I believe i saw you on aj. Welcome to DH :)
  12. ~ True Legend ~

    Your tips for new forum owners?

    Or do, but spend time filling all the sections up. That will work the opposite way - make it look really active :P
  13. ~ True Legend ~

    AMA Ask Kyng

    @Kyng of the unknown !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. ~ True Legend ~

    Introductions Hello

    Why shut down if yu don't mind me asking? :)
  15. ~ True Legend ~

    Introductions Hello

    Welcome to DH, owner of old DH :P ?
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