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Recent content by Teeonyekwere

  1. Teeonyekwere

    Do you like cuddling when you sleep?

    Maybe when I was young. Because my parents used to say that I don't like sleeping alone so I usually cuddle with either my Mom or Dad throughout the night. If I wake up in the middle of the night and nobody is there they said that I might begin to cry. But gone are the days.
  2. Teeonyekwere

    What was your dream job as a child?

    While I was in elementary and high school, I had the dream of becoming a medical doctor. But now that dream seems impossible to attain, so I guess I will see where life takes me from here.
  3. Teeonyekwere

    What usually gives you nightmare when sleeping at night?

    Well it doesn't happen to me anymore but I could remember when I was a kid after watching horror movies I usually find it difficult to sleep at night because when I sleep I get nightmare about them. That has made me to stop watching anything horror movies since when I was young.
  4. Teeonyekwere

    What do you usually do during weekends?

    There's a field nearby my house where boys usually go to play football during the weekend, so I make sure that I have my boots and my kits ready to go and play some football and exercise. What I will do later will be figured out later.
  5. Teeonyekwere

    What is the best way for you to relax after a hard day's work?

    Yeah when I get back home I usually collapse unto the sofa and probably switch on the TV. I also make sure that I either prepare my favorite food or other some chicken or pizza to satisfy my cravings. Nothing like chicken or pizza accompanied with some wine!
  6. Teeonyekwere

    What's the best thing about being single?

    The best thing about being single is that you don't get to spend a lot of money. You probably would not have somebody to bill you constantly and tell you that they need subscription or they have not eaten.
  7. Teeonyekwere

    Is there a dress code at your job?

    I once worked at an hospitality industry, so yes we have a dress code. We are required to wear white shirt on black pants on Mondays to Thursdays. But on the rest of the days, we can go casual, as long as it is modest.
  8. Teeonyekwere

    Do you think couples should live together before getting married?

    No, I don't think that is necessary! Many people think that they will be able to know if they can cope living with such a person after marriage, so they live together before getting married. But I have see more couples who did not live together and still had a lasting marriage.
  9. Teeonyekwere

    Love at first sight?

    In my opinion, I think that love at first sight is a fallacy. What we experience at first sight is merely an attraction. And it is when we get to know the person way past the physical appearance that we start to fall in love with them.
  10. Teeonyekwere

    Is your town changing? In what ways?

    Well not the town that I stay, but my hometown. I was surprised when I travelled early this year and found out that they have built new roads and our street now has street lights. Big development if you ask me.
  11. Teeonyekwere

    Do you take showers in the AM or PM?

    I usually shower at both times. I wouldn't want to go out in the morning looking all haggard and obvious that I just woke up. So I make sure that I shower in the morning. Also, I would have gotten sweaty and dirty when I get back and I can't sleep in that condition, so I shower before I go to bed
  12. Teeonyekwere

    Gaming PC Gaming vs Console

    In terms of affordability and convenience, I'd say PC gaming is better... I personally am a PC gamer, and I have played games on consoles too... The consoles are better in terms of things like more realistic graphics, immersion, and More dynamic gameplay but I would still prefer PC gaming...
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