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Recent content by Spencer

  1. Spencer

    Music What are you currently listening to?

    I'm currently listening to HUMBLE by Kendrick Lamar.
  2. Spencer

    Daily Threads General Chat Thread

    I just finished watching Manchester United play Leicester City in their FA CUP match. They managed to win 2-1 at the death of the game.
  3. Spencer

    Daily Poll iPhone 📱 or Android 🤖?

    I have always admired iPhone products but I've never really been pushed to buy and use any of them. I am an android fan and I'm not sure if I'm ever going to stop using. it I'm currently using Samsung S25.
  4. Spencer

    Do You lock your mobile?

    I've always locked my smartphone because I believe it is easier to have my information protected in case I unfortunately lose my phone. If I don't lock it, someone will have access to information I wouldn't want to be getting out to the public.
  5. Spencer

    Most used social media

    Facebook is the social media platform that I use most more than the rest. It is the first social media platform that I started using and that is where I have so many of my friends and even promoting of my business on.
  6. Spencer

    Isn't Google a blessing for us?

    Google have been very useful for us over the years and a lot of people are grateful for what they have been able to achieve by making use of Google. Today it is ChatGPT that is looking like a decent placement of Google but I don't think that is going to happen.
  7. Spencer

    Which is your favorite social media platform?

    Even though I know tiktok is becoming very popular everyday, it is still Facebook that have always been my favorite social media platform because that is where I have most of my friends whom I communicate with from time to time on.
  8. Spencer

    Can you Imagine Your Life without Internet?

    If it was 30 years ago, I might have imagined my life without to the use of Internet because I didn't have much to do back then but as it is today, it will be practically impossible for me to live without the internet.
  9. Spencer

    Do you sing when you shower?

    I do sing when I am taking my shower but it usually depends on the mood which I am in at that moment. If I'm having a very good time and in a good mood, I would sing along the music I am playing with my home theater until I am done with my bath.
  10. Spencer

    Do You Check The Weather App Before Planning Any Event or Day Out?

    I believe that is actually better for you to always check weather forecast before planning your day because it is going to help you to make the right decision on how to program yourself throughout the day. It will help so that you're not going to be caught off guard when the weather starts...
  11. Spencer

    In your opinion, what is the most important issue facing your country?

    INFLATION! This is the biggest issue that is facing everyone in my country right now and most people are finding it very difficult to survive. This is because everything has become so expensive that they can't usually afford two square meal a day.
  12. Spencer

    Do you remember faces? If you have met a person, do you easily recognize them later?

    Sadly, I am not someone that is very good with faces. It would have to require a very strong connection when we met at the first time for me to be able to recall your face whenever we meet again.
  13. Spencer

    How do people address you? Do they use your name, a title, or some other combination of words?

    It actually depends on the place where I am currently at the moment. If it is in my neighborhood, everyone usually addressed me by my name while my close friends address me by my nickname. But if it's at work, they usually address me by my full name.
  14. Spencer

    Are there many children in the area you live? Where do they play?

    Unfortunately, most parents no longer allow their kids to come out and play out in the open in my neighborhood. Everyone keeps to themselves and I believe that most of them usually play video games in the house.
  15. Spencer

    How often do you clean and defrost your fridge to keep it in tip-top condition?

    It actually depends on how fully stocked your refrigerator is that is going to determine if it will be needing cleaning as often as possible. I usually do my cleaning once every two weeks which I believe is good enough to keep it in good condition.
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