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Recent content by Roman

  1. Roman

    Daily Threads How are you feeling at the moment?

    I'm feeling a bit tired after working 6 hours in my farm. I'm resting at the moment because I still need to work on my car later. In the next 4 hours, I should be ready to start.
  2. Roman

    Daily Threads What was the last thing you did offline?

    The last thing I did offline today was working on my farm. It took my 6 hours of time to finish up on the farm today. It's a good win for me because I've been wanting to clean up a lot of stuffs in the farm.
  3. Roman

    Daily Threads What are your plans for today?

    How did your driving lesson go? I hope you did well? You will get your driver's license soon. I want to work on my car later. I should be ready for it in the next 4 hours.
  4. Roman

    Daily Threads What time did you go to bed last night?

    I want to bed last night around 9pm. I don't stay up too late at night because I have to get up early in the morning and work on my farm before going to work.
  5. Roman

    Daily Threads What did you have for breakfast today?

    Pasta was what I had for breakfast in the morning. It's one of my favorite food. My girlfriend was the one who made me fall in love with eating pasta.
  6. Roman

    Daily Threads What are you hoping to achieve today?

    I work on my car by myself. So, I'm hoping do a good job of it before today winds down. Also, I've already done some work in my farm. It took almost 6 hours to get it done.
  7. Roman

    When someone moves into a neighborhood, should they introduce themselves to their new neighbors? Why or why not?

    I don't have any business introducing myself to the new neighbors where I moved into. I believe this is the city and everyone should learn how to mind their business as long as we don't have anything in common, stay in your lane.
  8. Roman

    Some people say moving house is one of the most stressful experiences a person can have. Do you agree?

    You wouldn't actually be asking this question if you have actually had the experience of moving from one house to another. It is one of the most tedious thing that you can do because the things you have to move and start putting all of them in place in your new apartment is going to tire you out.
  9. Roman

    If you listen outside at night, what sounds will you hear around your home?

    If you are living in the city, there will always be noise around especially if you're living closer to the road. I am residing in the rural area where it is absolutely dead silence at night unless it is the crickets that are making noise.
  10. Roman

    Do you consult a dentist about the choice of toothpaste?

    I've never really considered consulting a dentist in order to know the toothpaste I am going to use for brushing my teeth. My mother have always bought the best and when I moved out, I kept on using the same time she bought.
  11. Roman

    Is it your habit to argue?

    It is only ladies that have it in their nature and DNA to argue on just about everything. This is not something I have time to do because there are so many important thing my time is going to be useful for better than arguing.
  12. Roman

    Do you still go to church?

    Some years ago, I used to frequently go to church because I was having a very strong faith and believe in whatever they are preaching in the church. But right now, all those things doesn't appeal to me so much which is why I hardly go to church today.
  13. Roman

    What are you doing now?

    I'm currently browsing the forum and watching movie. I'm planning on leaving the house in the next 2 hours. I have an appointment with a business partner that is very important because it involves a big amount of money.
  14. Roman

    Do your friends motivate you?

    My friends are actually very crazy. What they do very well is to mock you very well. They are going to mock you in a way that it's going to be like a motivation for you to do better than you have done for yourself.
  15. Roman

    Have you ever received compliments from passers-by?

    Of course I've received compliments from total strangers and I'm not usually surprised whenever they do so because I make sure to dress very well and smell very good. I think it's even more of smelling very good because people like it when you smell good.
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