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Recent content by Nomad

  1. Nomad

    Food and Drink How often do you normally eat out?

    It's like once a month or sometimes twice a month but never more than twice a month. Sometimes we like to go out to eat and sometimes we just order food at home.
  2. Nomad

    Food and Drink Midnight snacks

    I don't like to eat anything at night, but my spouse likes to eat sweet foods at night and sometimes I end up eating sweet foods at night as a way to give her a company.
  3. Nomad

    Food and Drink Are you a noisy eater?

    No, I am not a noisy eater, however, I am a talker and I like to talk while eating and sometime people might find me noisy.
  4. Nomad

    Food and Drink Fruits After How much time?

    Generally speaking we eat fruits between our lunch and tea time, which is usually around 2-3 o' clock. We don't eat fruits right after our meal and we don't eat fruits in the evening.
  5. Nomad

    Food and Drink Your Go-To Breakfast During Weekdays

    I don't like to eat breakfast, I directly eat my lunch, around none. If I need a breakfast, it will be puff or doughnuts with a cup of milk tea. Sometimes I also like to have boiled egg or omelette.
  6. Nomad

    Food and Drink Do you have a favorite fast food place?

    NO, I don't. I like to try new places. Since I don't dine out too often, I also do not like to go to the same place every time.
  7. Nomad

    Food and Drink Do you drink energy drinks?

    I have never been a fan of energy drinks. When I need instant energy I like to drink lemonade sweetened with honey. By the way, coffee also keeps me energized.
  8. Nomad

    Food and Drink Do You Like Salty Porridge?

    We don't call it porridge but I know this dish, this us usually eaten when we are sick. (because it is easy to digest and highly nutritious). I like it very much.
  9. Nomad

    Food and Drink Do you Like To Eat Street Food Every day or Every Week?

    I do not like to eat street food because it is not hygienic. If I want to eat the food that street vendors are selling, I either make at home or g to a restaurant to eat.
  10. Nomad

    Food and Drink Do You Prepare Condensed Butter At Home?

    We collect milk cream, churn it to get butter and then heat butter to get clarified butter or ghee. This is a common thing in our household
  11. Nomad

    Food and Drink Is Starting A Street Food Stall A Good Business?

    It can be a good business provided you can get a space in a prime location and you have great cooking skills. I know a lot of people personally who bought properties from the money they made selling street food
  12. Nomad

    Food and Drink Do You Like To Eat Any Sweet Dish or Anything Sweet After Your meal?

    I don't eat any sweat dish because I am trying to control my sugar intake, however, I know how satisfying it is to eat sweat items after meal. I like eating Indian sweats after meal
  13. Nomad

    Food and Drink Have You Ever Planned To Make Money From Food?

    My ancestral profession is farming. These days I am not directly involved with farming but in the past I have grown vegetables, rice, corn, etc. and made money by selling food. I also owned a restaurant once, so I have also made money selling ready to eat foods
  14. Nomad

    Food and Drink What do you do while eating?

    When I am eating I like to talk, in fact in our family we do a lot of talking when we are at our dinning tables. I do not like to use my mobile or watch anything on TV while eating.
  15. Nomad

    Food and Drink Do you like to add Garlic in Your Noodles?

    I like garlic in my noodles, when I am making my noodles I always saute garlic before adding vegetables, eggs or chicken. I also like t add ginger.
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