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  • We have now changed the post count rule to post your website in the Website Directory and the Member Showcase to 10, this was previously 50 but we felt it was too high. You can read more about this change here >>> https://discussionhub.net/threads/update-of-rules-for-the-member-showcase.4356/

Recent content by Monster Masterpiece

  1. Monster Masterpiece

    Food and Drink What's your favorite cookies?

    It could help to cut the hunger.
  2. Monster Masterpiece

    Debate Smoking

    It doesn't add any value in life.
  3. Monster Masterpiece

    Are You Comfortable to Sleep While travelling?

    I always sleep in long trips.
  4. Monster Masterpiece

    Food and Drink What is your favourite drink?

    It is source of diabetes and end your life by yourself.
  5. Monster Masterpiece

    Movies Foreign Movies

    I think I need to download it.
  6. Monster Masterpiece

    Why do you like DISCUSSION HUB?

    It is a friendly community in between however it lacks some activities.
  7. Monster Masterpiece

    Movies Foreign Movies

    If youtube use download youtube subtitles or merlin if no caption sometimes this doesn't work or even ssyoutube so read offline because internet is not stable for one hour.
  8. Monster Masterpiece

    Movies Do you prefer watching movies in theatres or at home?

    It depends on many factors like the weather today and offline commitment of the group that you are going with or the person to the theater not something easy to agree everything.
  9. Monster Masterpiece

    Are You Comfortable to Sleep While travelling?

    It is a normal process you are secured while travelling so don't be scared.
  10. Monster Masterpiece

    Debate Smoking

    Even other products like vaping as example is not far effect drawback in our health.
  11. Monster Masterpiece

    Debate Smoking

    It always starts like this.
  12. Monster Masterpiece

    Debate Smoking

    It doesn't add any value to smoke to a person.
  13. Monster Masterpiece

    Gaming Do you believe gaming can be educational?

    Gaming could not educate something except violence.
  14. Monster Masterpiece

    Who Named You?

    It is most known practice to name children in name of grandparents.
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