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  • We have now changed the post count rule to post your website in the Website Directory and the Member Showcase to 10, this was previously 50 but we felt it was too high. You can read more about this change here >>> https://discussionhub.net/threads/update-of-rules-for-the-member-showcase.4356/

Recent content by Mad Hatter

  1. Mad Hatter

    What are these hub coins?

    SH*T! :mad: IT DOESN 'T WORK and it expires in 24 hours!
  2. Mad Hatter

    Do you go for a brand or buy a local product?

    We buy whatever is cheaper. I don't care if it is imported from Mars, or made across the street.
  3. Mad Hatter

    AMA Ask Shortie

    O.K. I'm going to ask the question that everyone wants to know, but is too afraid to ask: JUST HOW SHORT ARE YOU? 🤖
  4. Mad Hatter

    What are these hub coins?

    About 2 months ago I complained that the coin thing was not working at all. So to compensate admin gives me 6,500 coins. Six and a half thousand coins that I cannot possibly use! Go to the ~Members~ list ( Most items) and see how many members have been able to use them. Only the member known as...
  5. Mad Hatter

    News 4-year-old boy dies after father shoves chilli into his mouth

    He will be forced to live with what he has done for the rest of his life, that is punishment enough.
  6. Mad Hatter

    DO you write down your plans every day or just once a month?

    Only in regards to work as I am very structered and type A with my job. But in my personal life I let my girlfriend plan all of that and leave it all up to her.
  7. Mad Hatter

    How To Handle Negative Criticism

    Jesus Christ...there is ALREADY a thread on this subject. This trying to up one's post count is turning into pure bullshit. :poop:
  8. Mad Hatter

    Ways To Live Your Best Life

    That's because like 50% of the members on here, its just about making some $$$.
  9. Mad Hatter

    What are these hub coins?

    They don't work, never have...utterly useless.
  10. Mad Hatter

    Daily Threads What time did you wake today?

    I awoke at 5:30 a.m.
  11. Mad Hatter

    What's your favorite country you've visited?

    Do you think that my girlfriend would let me? ha*ha! :LOL:
  12. Mad Hatter

    How many hours do you spend posting on forums?

    I am now active these days on 2 forums though I am a member on more. I spend about an hour on my #1 forum, and perhaps spend a total of 30 minutes on here throughout the day. P.S. I never post on here to get paid but I do post sometimes to get on the front page on the "Top Five Posters" list.
  13. Mad Hatter

    Do you go to the gym?

    I see no benefit in going to the gym where I would have to share sweaty gym equipment with others. I have equipment at home and much prefer that.
  14. Mad Hatter

    What's your favorite country you've visited?

    It is also visited due to sex tourism, but that is another conversation. 👾
  15. Mad Hatter

    It's almost hopeless lol

    I just made the list, wonder how long I'll stay there? 🏋️‍♂️
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