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Recent content by Jayson

  1. Jayson

    Debate Who won the US presidential debate?

    I didn't get the impression Biden's performance was that bad, even though he probably has dementia. In fact, Trump only looked good cause he turned off "the punk act".
  2. Jayson

    Debate Who won the US presidential debate?

    Do you feel like Biden should step down as a candidate?
  3. Jayson

    Debate Adoration of Royalty

    This is a train of thought that took thousands of years to develop. It's right on the money, though.
  4. Jayson

    Do you wish to settle in rural place?

    I love rural areas because of the look. In particular, I like mountainous areas. I lived in such places most of my life (Southwest Virginia, Northeastern Tennessee USA).
  5. Jayson

    Are you happy with your physical appearance?

    It might be unpopular on here, but I think people should accept who they are. However, though, extreme weight can lead to serious health problems, but that's something only the person or doctors would know, probably.
  6. Jayson

    Debate Adoration of Royalty

    Not all royals etc. are bad people. For instance, a lot of people didn't like W. Bush, but I think at the core he was a nice guy. He was just trapped in a political machine. Anyway, compare W. Bush to Trump, for instance. :oops:
  7. Jayson

    Debate Is modern music awful?

    Of course, I'm just speaking of western popular music. I don't know the situation outside of it. Perhaps the music is still good there because they're not controlled by western record companies.
  8. Jayson

    What turns you off on websites

    Too many ads is a turnoff, but it might not be enough to keep me away. Well, it depends on how good the content is or some other reason.
  9. Jayson

    Favorite Forum Software

    I'd like to switch to XenForo. Well, foolishly I had sold many XF licenses when I was down on money. I'm not doing that again!
  10. Jayson

    Debate Adoration of Royalty

    Well, going back to what I said in another post, people get unfair things just by being born in a certain country. For instance, people in the Anglosphere generally live in rich countries.
  11. Jayson

    Debate Is modern music awful?

    For sure, they aren't getting airplay probably.
  12. Jayson

    Debate Are rural areas being written out of western television?

    https://www.msn.com/en-us/tv/news/for-good-or-bad-norman-lear-helped-erase-rural-america-from-tv/ar-BB1iHuUJ?ocid=msedgdhp&pc=U531&cvid=f783e63008db4eadaf86978b8412e5bb&ei=40#comments Is this a good or bad thing? Are people afraid of shows that aren't squeaky clean and/or have them face up to...
  13. Jayson

    Debate Is modern music awful?

    I agree with the comments here and especially since the 2010 or maybe 2000, it's been especially true.
  14. Jayson

    Debate Is modern music awful?

    https://www.msn.com/en-us/video/peopleandplaces/why-is-modern-music-so-awful/vi-BB1nq86q?ocid=msedgntp&pc=U531&cvid=18a1749f0bf14778abbee1a797ff3cb0&ei=10 The link lists some reasons. Do you agree? What can be done to reverse the trend if you agree?
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