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Recent content by Ginger

  1. Ginger

    August End of Summer Showdown Contest Results!

    It's already announced that there is no contest for September.
  2. Ginger

    Are there any regular sporting or cultural events in your neighborhood? Talk about them.

    I am not even interested in these LOL so I don't mind if my society is not arranging any such sporting or cultural events regularly
  3. Ginger

    Some people say moving house is one of the most stressful experiences a person can have. Do you agree?

    I have seen this happen with my colleagues who happens to be from other states as they stay on rent and need to change after some time
  4. Ginger

    Do you want to move to a different neighborhood? Where would you like to live?

    I think about Chandigarh but that would be quite a switch and it will be so expensive to own a place there but I hope I can achieve that
  5. Ginger

    Is it your habit to argue?

    I do have this habit and am planning and hoping and working to control it as its not good for us both financially and mentally lol
  6. Ginger

    Have you ever been Jailed?

    I have never done anything that can put me behind the bars, we can play within the rules and should not break
  7. Ginger

    Is it Practical to Run a Tv channel?

    I don't think its possible for a normal person to run a tv channel or even think about it as you need to invest a bigger amount for it
  8. Ginger

    Are you proud of the history of your own country?

    Yes I am proud of Indian and our Punjabi culture and history and have done really well in the past
  9. Ginger

    Losing your voice? How does it feel?

    I can't even imagine the situation and I hope no one faces this situation,take care and I hope you are fine now
  10. Ginger

    Are you addicted to the news channel on TV?

    I don't even check news daily and have no interest in news channels as they are filled with unnecessary debate shows
  11. Ginger

    In some countries, it is traditional for women to change their name when they get married. What do you think about this?

    This does not make sense to me and I don't see why they need to change the name at first place
  12. Ginger

    Do you sing when you shower?

    I don't think I have done that in years and prefer to get on with it LOL although its not a bad idea to sing as you are not troubling others LOL
  13. Ginger

    Do you buy tools for the refrigerator that would help to use the space in the refrigerator more efficiently?

    I think I need to find such ways to make more storage space in my refrigerator so I will look at amazon and flipkart
  14. Ginger

    Have you thought about the names that you might give to your children (if you have them)?

    I haven't planned anything like that and will see when it happens and I will try to select suitable names
  15. Ginger

    How is the transportation system where you live? Is it reliable? Affordable?

    Things are fine in my area and we can easily find a way to move from one location to another even when we don't have a car or bike
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