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Recent content by Axel

  1. Axel

    How many times you charge your mobile daily?

    I don't like using my smartphone when the battery is lower than 40%. If I notice the battery drop past 40%, I will plug it to charge immediately.
  2. Axel

    How often do you check your emails?

    You're never going miss your mails. I don't get so many emails. I know whenever they come in and check them immediately.
  3. Axel

    Do you use AI image generator?

    I'm not a graphics designer. I don't need to use image generator. If I need an image, I will use Shutterstock to get it. I heard ChatGPT can generate images too.
  4. Axel

    What forum software is the best from your experience?

    XenForo is my favourite forum software from experience. I've used ProBoards as a free forum software, it's quite good as well.
  5. Axel

    What was the last YouTube video you watched?

    Redbone by Lil Baby feat. GloRilla is what I watched last on YouTube.
  6. Axel

    Has your movie watching increased or decreased?

    I have enough time to watch movies or TV shows as I wish. I work from home full time. This gives me ample time to schedule a lot of movies to watch.
  7. Axel

    Do you Like To Play Music While You are Working Online or While cooking or cleaning?

    Playing music makes me feel good. It's why I don't waste any time to start playing music at any chance I get as long as it wouldn't disrupt whatever I'm doing.
  8. Axel

    Movies How do you choose what movie to watch?

    There are so many movies and TV shows on my list of anticipated things to watch each year. I choose what next to watch from my list as they are coming out.
  9. Axel

    TV Do you keep a list of series you watch?

    It have been a long time I stopped making a list by myself of all the movies and TV shows I've watched. It's was like 17 years ago I did that. Everything I've watched it tallied on Netflix and Disney plus.
  10. Axel

    What are you watching lately?

    I'm currently watching Climax. The next two movies which I already planned to watch after Climax are Bad Boys Ride or Die and The Wild Robot.
  11. Axel

    Movies Which superhero would you like to see next on the big screen

    I don't watch so much super hero movies because I know they are all fiction. They don't thrill me so much. The Flash was the only one that thrilled me.
  12. Axel

    Movies Subtitles or dubbed version?

    I don't worry about reading subtitles, since I'm a lover of Japanese movies and anime, I prefer hearing their original language and use subtitles.
  13. Axel

    Movies Do You Sometimes Feel You Can Write A Better Movie Endling or complete movie?

    Everyone believed they can write a better ending in Game of Thrones TV show but I don't buy that BS because if you're not a good movie writer or a director, you don't know anything about writing and directing movies or TV shows.
  14. Axel

    Movies What's your take on dune?

    Dune part 1 and 2 were very good. I enjoyed both of them but I think part 1 was with more action. Apart from the sand worm scene in part 2, I wasn't so much impressed.
  15. Axel

    TV What’s the greatest TV show of all time, and why?

    The TV show I would you say is the greatest TV show of all time is Breaking Bad. It's better than Game of Thrones or any other big name TV show like Shogun.
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