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Recent content by arunima25

  1. arunima25

    Is it more comfortable for you to meet men or women? Why?

    Oh! I see.. Happy to know that you have a safe and trusted place in your family. That's actually a blessing.
  2. arunima25

    Do You believe you can get Rich by earning online?

    Oh! I see. I am on the same page. I am into part time job and I have my own hours that I have chosen to work, I can devote some time daily for my online hustles.
  3. arunima25

    The funny thing I experienced this morning at the work place

    I was saying it on the lighter note that it just wanted a sip of the coffee and you scared it. LoL! If I was in your place, I would have screamed my lungs out. I don't like lizards. They look disgusting.
  4. arunima25

    Have you made money through Affiliate Marlketing?

    As far as the earning online is concerned, I am happy to limit myself for forum postings and articles writing( I am looking for good opportunities) for now. I am happy doing them and enjoy it. I don't have the skills and interest as of now to try affiliate marketing.
  5. arunima25

    Is it more comfortable for you to meet men or women? Why?

    But you must be having a few with whom you are comfortable being around. A very few in the close circle. I am okay to interact with anyone, I don't feel any hesitation. I do enjoy socializing but also appreciate my me alone time. I am more happy and comfortable with people in my close circle.
  6. arunima25

    Can you Imagine Your Life without Internet?

    It was just for a week and I could manage it as it was a vacation and I had no work related things to keep checking. I really planned for a gadget detoxification and wanted to be fully with friends and family whom I had not met in a long time. I didn't feel like checking social media or anything.
  7. arunima25

    Movies Last movie you saw in cinema?

    Oh! I see. I want to watch 3D movies and movies with grand set ups which are visual treats on a big screen. The movie looses half of the charm when watched on small screen.
  8. arunima25

    What web browser did you use first

    If I remember correctly, it was Internet Explorer. It was the browser, back in those times having maximum users. Now a days, from the last few years, I am using Chrome.
  9. arunima25

    Do you have instant food delivery apps in your country?

    You can order groceries on them if you want a very quick delivery. Zepto and blinkit deliver it within minutes. Even we don't like to eat outside food and go for home cooked simple meals. But these delivery apps have helped me many times to get things that were needed in last minute of preparation.
  10. arunima25

    Introductions I've just landed home 🏡

    Hello Damien. Welcome to this wonderful community.. I hope that you enjoy your stay here, making friends and chatting with them. It's a very friendly community and I am hopeful that you are going to enjoy it here.
  11. arunima25

    I reported a spam post

    That was very nice and responsible of you. Thank you for doing so. I would do the same if I suspected something to be a spam. As a member of any forum community, it becomes our moral responsibility to make sure that the quality of the site is maintained.
  12. arunima25

    The funny thing I experienced this morning at the work place

    Seems like the lizard wanted to have a sip.. LoL! Poor thing! You scared him..I hope that he was not burnt by the hot coffee.
  13. arunima25

    Is the refrigerator the best place to leave a reminder for yourself?

    I still use my refrigerator to put reminders for family events, special days, doctor's appointment and my weekly meal menu. My weekly meal menu has to be there on refrigerator so that I can plan my grocery purchase accordingly and I am not lost on a busy working day morning thinking what to cook...
  14. arunima25

    Daily Threads How Are You Feeling Today?

    Happy to know that. Hope that you get enough rest to get over the tiredness that's bothering you. I am feeling happy today. Monday is coming to an end and I am already tucked in my bed. It was a very productive day
  15. arunima25

    Movies Last movie you saw in cinema?

    I guess that it has become the way of entertainment these days. We have enough options to choose from and we can watch them at our time convenience.. It's cheaper too. I would go to big theatres now only if the movie is really good and the cinematic view is worth paying fo a theatre experience.
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