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Recent content by Al

  1. Al

    Gaming Sony unveils the more powerful and pricier PlayStation 5 Pro

    Sony has officially announced a more powerful—and significantly more expensive—version of its highly successful PlayStation 5 console. The PS5 Pro will have enhanced graphics capabilities and deliver higher, more stable frame rates for the most demanding games, but this increased power comes...
  2. Al

    Do you call it soccer or football? Do you care which name is used?

    Soccer is an Americanism, isn't it? Designed to differentiate between that sport where an oval shaped ball is typically thrown using hands opposed to the other game where a round ball is usually kicked using a foot.
  3. Al

    Debate Afterlife

    Just to confirm, @Sara - your belief in reincarnation is based solely on some rando saying they were reincarnated?
  4. Al

    Debate Afterlife

    Energy cannot be destroyed but it can be transferred. When our bodies die the energy in our bodies exits (is transferred) in the form of heat and warms the immediate air around the corpse by a fraction of a fraction of a degree. The same way that a bonfire warms the air but on an infinitesimal...
  5. Al

    Debate Do you think that the war in Ukraine will end soon?

    Trump is a known, proven liar. Sure, no "formal" declarations of war were made during his singular term, but let's not pretend he wasn't comfortable with using the US military to achieve geopolitical aims: Source...
  6. Al

    Debate Do you think that the war in Ukraine will end soon?

    Yeah, but this is the thing. People always accuse Trump of being weak on dictators and strong men. He responds to flattery. You would have envisaged Putin endorsing Trump, not Harris. So what's up with that?
  7. Al

    Debate Afterlife

    You only get one, mate. Spend it doing things that bring you joy.
  8. Al

    Have you thought about the names that you might give to your children (if you have them)?

    I have three children and I named them all. Thomas Lucas Brody
  9. Al

    Debate Afterlife

    You are my spirit animal in this. Delusional fools put their faith in a god who doesn't exist in the hope that they will no longer suffer after a life of suffering. I find the better option is to make the most of the one life you get.
  10. Al

    Debate Do you think that the war in Ukraine will end soon?

    Yeah. There was a school of thought that Putin was biding his time until Trump was in power as it was expected Trump would pull US support and that would be game over for Ukraine. But now Putin as backed Harris. A strange move - or a shrewd one?
  11. Al

    Movies Last movie you watched?

    I saw Star Wars (1977) at the cinema last Sunday and going to see Empire Strikes Back on Saturday. Yay!
  12. Al

    Debate Do you think that the war in Ukraine will end soon?

    Some are suggesting that Putin is waiting to see the results of the US election before anything happens on a ceasefire front. Can Ukraine hold out for another few months? Would a change in leadership in the US affect the war between Russia and Ukraine?
  13. Al

    Debate Would Iran truly attack Israel?

    They did attack Israel but they didn't do a very good job of it. Or did they? Iran fired a lot of missiles and drones at Israel. These were 99% ineffective. There is a school of thought that this was the plan all along. It was to test the defences, and the response from Israel and her allies...
  14. Al

    Debate Controversial: Trump or Harris?

    The US election effects the entire world, so even if you're not from the United States you need to watch this one closely. I have two questions to ask and I'm interested in the opinions of everyone here. 1) Who do you think is going to win the White House in November? 2) Who do you want to...
  15. Al

    Why are you not posting?

    General discussion boards often struggle because of who their competitors are: Facebook Twitter Reddit To name just three. I prefer forum communities over social media, but that's maybe because I grew up using forums. Trying to get the younger generation into forums is a tough sell.
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