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Can money solve 100% of your problems now?

If you are unable to pay your bills, if you have debt, if you are fighting with your spouse over the difficulty of managing household, if you not able to get a proper diet because of lack money, if you are not able to go on a vacation or buy things you want in life, having money will certainly solve your problem.
Another angle of seeing this. Indeed someone like that truly need money to solve most of the problems they have. Though I'm not sure if it will be 100%
Another angle of seeing this. Indeed someone like that truly need money to solve most of the problems they have. Though I'm not sure if it will be 100%
Money solve part of problems and not all of them. For example, some time you need to make a break to see the things from another angle for having better solutions instead of spend lavishly the money.
Another angle of seeing this. Indeed someone like that truly need money to solve most of the problems they have. Though I'm not sure if it will be 100%
Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos had a lot of money, yet their wives left them. So, money might not be the ultimate solutions for for middle class and lower class individuals, money solves 99 percent problems. Let's say you have a nagging spouse, will your spouse still bother you when you give them a lot of money to do what ever they want to do?
Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos had a lot of money, yet their wives left them. So, money might not be the ultimate solutions for for middle class and lower class individuals, money solves 99 percent problems. Let's say you have a nagging spouse, will your spouse still bother you when you give them a lot of money to do what ever they want to do?
Very true, I strongly believe money does not even solve up to 99% of our problems, like the examples you gave, having money does not still prevent your partner from cheating if they want to. Your partner would still bother you for something else even when you give them a lot of money. That's when you will start hearing things like they need your time and attention as well and so on.
Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos had a lot of money, yet their wives left them. So, money might not be the ultimate solutions for for middle class and lower class individuals, money solves 99 percent problems. Let's say you have a nagging spouse, will your spouse still bother you when you give them a lot of money to do what ever they want to do?
God help me, if my wife starts to nag i will just flash some cash and she'll keep mute 🤣
No one can deny the importance of money. You need them for your basic needs, livelihood and for your luxuries and desires. One can not go into Intellectual talks on a hungry stomach. Striving for financial independence and abundance is the responsibility of any individual and one has no excuse to escape that. But then money can't solve all your problems. It will solve your financial problems and ease some other aspects.
Very true, I strongly believe money does not even solve up to 99% of our problems, like the examples you gave, having money does not still prevent your partner from cheating if they want to. Your partner would still bother you for something else even when you give them a lot of money. That's when you will start hearing things like they need your time and attention as well and so on.

That's right! Money can solve most of the problems we may face in our lives. There are a few other problems that cannot be solved, even if you have money with you. Even your spouse won't behave well if you don't have money.
That's right! Money can solve most of the problems we may face in our lives. There are a few other problems that cannot be solved, even if you have money with you. Even your spouse won't behave well if you don't have money.
Exactly that is why even when we chase money, we should not let that be our only focus, there is more to life than just money.
If you are going through some rough phase in life like an emotional turmoil, mental issues etc, money can't solve it. But having a financial security does not add up more to the problem. Any issues with lack of money gets ten times more to handle. Money might not be the solution, but is definitely a big support in any kind of situation.
If we see around, we find that many miseries in the life come from financial constraints. And money is the only solution to them. Financial constraints can have a toll on our health ( poor nutrition and living conditions), mental and emotional stress. So, though it might not solve all the problems, it definitely stops many to come.

Daily Poll: Which universe do you prefer?

  • Marvel

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • DC

    Votes: 3 75.0%
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