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News Prince William

I don't understand it either, at this point for me the royal family is just an going reality TV show that I catch up every once in a while. Even when I don't want to tune in, it seems that every news channel makes sure I get my daily dose of the royals. There is just sooo much going on with this family. There is drama, mystery, scandals, sadness, a few happy moments and more drama.
And its not just this generation obsessed with the royal family. Over 20 years ago, I remember a teenage me getting home from work at 10pm and finding my mother in the living room crying, her eyes out, why?? Princess Diana's car crash and death.
This makes me glad I don't have a television. The Royal Family have never done a day's work in their lives and yet are pampered and cossetted. One of the reasons I hate living in Britain and the reason I will never use the words 'United Kingdom' or 'UK' when referring to the country by name. It is NOT united and never will be, it is divided and elitist and they are the reason. I'm also Irish.
I'll never understand the interest in these royal overprivileged, entitled, talentless people. Everything they have was handed to them solely by virtue of their birth. What makes them so special, and why would anyone even care about these people?
A lot of people have unfair advantages based on birth. Look at people in the US and UK, in general.
A lot of people have unfair advantages based on birth. Look at people in the US and UK, in general.
I don't see it as an unfair advantage. Here in N.A. and in Europe people are hard workers and are motivated along with free and open societies. Other places are run by dictators and religious zealots, and the people gave up long ago.
You're great, Foxy.

Whilst I acknowledge the fact that we cannot help the circumstances of our birth, I still don't believe in privilege by birthright. Wealth, like respect, must be earned. Also I feel that the less well off are penalised for it in being referred to as 'lower class' and similar. No one is higher or lower than anyone else.
I think a lot of the royal obsession is because it's very core to the British identity. Also, in Canada, it could be seen as a way of showing Canadian identity. However, not all places see it this way as Jamaica, for instance, is strongly thinking of becoming a republic, especially since they see no sense in honoring past royals who approved of slavery there.
Well it is what it is though, there are does who are born Lucky, so they really don't have to do much themselves to get what they want. Then we have does who have to work extremely hard to get what they want.
Sometimes I sit down and think of how lucky Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi's children are. Imagine being born into such luxury, damn.
Yea that's so true, but while we can't change the situation or conditions we where born into, we can always change where our children are born into.
Indeed, we have the responsibility of creating q better life for our kids. And I hope we will be able to do just that.

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