Discussion Hub

Discussion Hub is a general discussion community aiming to provide a fun and laidback environment with a touch of old school. We have a diverse memberbase with people from all over the world and tons of content for you to get involved in and share your perspective. We’d love for you to become a part of our awesome community.

Yay! My new batch.



Apr 8, 2024
Reaction score
Recently one user here had posted about getting a badge about her 500 posts achievement. At that time, I was excited to get it too. I had already got badges for 50 posts, 100 posts and 300 posts. I was nearing 500 posts when I read that post. When I reached the 500th post, I checked for the badge immediately but it was not there. Today I checked it again and Yay!! It was there. I am at 525 posts now. It's motivating to keep getting such acknowledgement and appreciation. So, I would keep posting and see what is next in the store.
Share your recent milestone badge here on Discussion Hubs.
I can imagine how happy you must have been when you finally saw the badge. Congratulations on your achievements though. It's never easy.
Congratulations on your achievement. I also get excited when I reach such milestone on any of the site.
Congratulations on your achievement! Many more to come hopefully. I don't even know my own post count anymore, lol.
Congratulations on your achievement! Many more to come hopefully. I don't even know my own post count anymore, lol.

You can check it on your profile. I am glad to see you back on the site. Where were you these days?
Thank you everyone. I checked it just after crossing the 500 mark, but it was not there. I was a bit disappointed. But happy to see it there the next day. It feels good, just like how getting a candy makes a young child happy.
Recently one user here had posted about getting a badge about her 500 posts achievement. At that time, I was excited to get it too. I had already got badges for 50 posts, 100 posts and 300 posts. I was nearing 500 posts when I read that post. When I reached the 500th post, I checked for the badge immediately but it was not there. Today I checked it again and Yay!! It was there. I am at 525 posts now. It's motivating to keep getting such acknowledgement and appreciation. So, I would keep posting and see what is next in the store.
Share your recent milestone badge here on Discussion Hubs.
Congratulations on the achievement but it's easy on making progressing any way I am coming too
Congratulations on the achievement but it's easy on making progressing any way I am coming too
Thank you. It feels great. I think that this might be the site where I have reached the milestone fastest. It's motivating to see such acknowledgement and badges. I am sure that you will be sharing about your milestone very soon.
Congratulations on having received a badge for reaching the number of posts to qualify you and other members. It is also interesting and inspiring to be recognized. Being rewarded with a badge means something for the heart and the mind to believe.
@Scorpion . Thank you. I was happy to see that. And it has happened faster than I would expect it to happen on any site. So, it's a big achievement for me seeing my personal records on other sites. Lol! I am the slow and steady one.
Wow, what an achievement, and that too in a very short time, I have to say I am impressed and I hope you will reach 2K posts very soon
@Ginger . I took a few months to reach 500 posts. Yes, it's fast seeing my personal record. But not when you compare with the active members on the site. Many would make that much in a month or less.
Thank you for your compliment and encouragement. To reach 2K mark, I would take another few months and maybe even enter the new year.
@Scorpion . Thank you. I was happy to see that. And it has happened faster than I would expect it to happen on any site. So, it's a big achievement for me seeing my personal records on other sites. Lol! I am the slow and steady one.
Yes, we feel compensated with our efforts in posting on forum sites but Discussion Hub is different it recognized our efforts apart from monetary gigs month that encourage everyone to participate for fun and to earn in return. Good luck to us all.
@Ginger . I took a few months to reach 500 posts. Yes, it's fast seeing my personal record. But not when you compare with the active members on the site. Many would make that much in a month or less.
Thank you for your compliment and encouragement. To reach 2K mark, I would take another few months and maybe even enter the new year.
I am sure you will reach soon as the website admin is planning to run these contests every month and this will help in more activity on the website
@Scorpion . I am loving the site and enjoying it. I have been a bit regular and consistent here. That's helping. Yes, best of luck to all of us. And I also hope that the site also gets stronger and goes a long way.
@Ginger . Yes, these contests are a great way to invite more activities on the site. If the Admin plans to do that every month, it would be motivating to be active here more. September gets a busy week with exams, workshops for teachers, end of semester works etc. Let's see how much I will be able to manage.
I am back to work but I could stil spare some minutes to this site to post something that I like and others may like too. I also love the site. It's a peaceful site. It's also good if there are ads to add revenue to the forum site.
@Scorpion . I admire your consistency and your time management skills.
I have reached the 600 posts mark here and Yay!! That's another milestone acheived. I am not sure if there is any badge or acknowledgement for that.
@Scorpion . I admire your consistency and your time management skills.
I have reached the 600 posts mark here and Yay!! That's another milestone acheived. I am not sure if there is any badge or acknowledgement for that.
I can manage my time well. I only spend posting here for 30 to 45 minutes. The same in the other forum sites. I am giving the same time allotment. At least there is something to expect at the end of the month. Your expected badge may be sent to you later.
@Scorpion . I can see that. I have seen your consistency and active level on each forum that I am a part of with you. Is there a badge for 600 posts? If there is, I should be getting that soon. I have crossed 610. But it seems that the next badge is for 750 posts.