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Why do you thing "History" as a subject is important to learn in school?



Apr 30, 2024
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In school, we had many subjects, and I think every subject has its own importance. Many of my friends, including me, used to wonder why we should study history, but we didn't know that history was as important as other subjects. For me, history is important because, by studying it, we come to know what mistakes we made in the past so we may avoid repeating them. History connects us to our culture and traditions. What do you think the history subject should be taught in school and college?
History will never be phased out in the school's curriculum. It's through history we know the struggles of our forefathers in the past and how every nation acquired liberty and independence. We need to pay tribute to the past generations and their struggles until gradually people reached the digital age that will create another history for the next generation to come.
In my opinion, the subject of history is important so that children can know who they are and who their ancestors were. This is important because without the history of the past there will be no future, therefore it is important for them because they will build the future of the country in which they live
It's extremely important you know your history. It helps you know were you are coming from, how far people had to fight just to get to where they are now and might even help you make decisions.
It's important and they should have taught us history of our beautiful culture and heritage but there was no mention of that.
History is important so that people get to know where they are coming from. If taught with sincerity, it has a way of fostering national unity. The challenge though is that most people don't teach history sincerely and it turns out to be a problem.
It is from the history subject we learned about the different cultural backgrounds of the people place to place. It's also very exciting to learn where my country got its name, the foreign invaders and the bandits. I learned through history that my forefathers suffered from the hands of Spaniards for 400 years.