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Why do we see climate changes these days too often?



Apr 30, 2024
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These days, a combination of natural and human activities are responsible for climate change. Greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide have significantly increased as a result of human activity such as burning fossil fuels, deforestation, and changes in land use. More heat is trapped in the atmosphere by rising greenhouse gas concentrations, which causes global warming and related climate changes. Cities and businesses are expanding quickly, which has increased energy use, pollution, and waste production—all of which are factors in climate change. Increased emissions, soil erosion, and the loss of carbon sinks have resulted from the growth of agriculture, deforestation, and land degradation.

The situation these days is not good and we should try to reduce the pollution through the human activities which is in our control and government of all the countries must collectively focus on the same. What do you think we must do to protect world?
It's all because of Global warming and that's why we frequently see changes in the weather conditions where the summers get longer or delayed and even rainy season is delayed
Every year it will get worse in a geometric progression, because if this year it was 10 percent hotter than last year, next year it will not be 20 percent, but maybe all 40. The reason is really massive air pollution and it is not a bicycle that can stop very easily. If we were to stop all emissions even today, we would feel the consequences for many years to come
It is as a result if increased human activities that are degrading the environment. The rise in industrialisation has kept on producing toxic wastes that has degraded the environment. Until the world can industrialize with sustainable practices, the environment is going to get worse.
I guess everything has to do with global warming. This is why we sometimes have extreme cold weather even when the weather is supposed to be hot or warm. Or like early this year when we had extreme hot weather.