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Why do we dream?



Mar 28, 2024
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Dreaming is a universal human experience, and researchers believe it serves multiple purposes. Dreams help consolidate memories and emotions, processing and filing away important information. They also allow our brains to rehearse and prepare for potential threats or challenges, enhancing problem-solving skills and creativity. Additionally, dreams provide an outlet for our subconscious mind to express repressed thoughts and desires, promoting emotional balance and well-being. Overall, dreaming is an essential aspect of our mental and emotional health.
Well, I was once told that dreams occur as a result of maybe our activities during the day. So those dreams serve as a mirror of what one went through. I'm not sure if those things are true though, and honestly, I don't really care.
There are different reasons, one reason is usually as a result of fatigue. Especially when you see yourself doing the same thing you where doing during the day, it's definitely a sign of fatigue.
I seem to spend a lot of time dreaming about ex girlfriends. Not sure why that would be, even girls that I only dated for a short time. I also dream about work past and present.