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Why competitive exams are so competitive?



Apr 30, 2024
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I have always noticed that competitive exams are too competitive that it becomes so difficult for the people to clear them. I believe there are few reasons why they are made so complicated. The first and foremost is because of the limited seats compared to the number of aspirants. The results of exams are important since they usually impact future employment chances. Because only the best performers are chosen, intense competition results. The pressure is increased by expectations from peers, family, and society. In a volatile economy with few career chances, tests are a high-stakes ticket to securing one's future. Competition is driven by students' aspirations for success, top universities, and careers.

Why do you think these competitive exams are so complicated and competitive?
Yes they are complicated and this is important because if everyone is able to score 100 out of 100 then the selection will be difficult
No matter how ab exams seems to be difficult, they don't set the exams outside the scheme. That invariably means that if you study extensively, you would always get to pass the exams. Just understand how studying works for you.