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Why are there hard-headed people?



Mar 18, 2024
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People may exhibit stubborn or hard-headed behavior for various reasons, such as strong beliefs, past experiences, fear of change, or a desire to maintain control. Stubbornness can also be a defense mechanism to protect oneself from perceived threats or vulnerabilities. Understanding and empathy can help in dealing with hard-headed individuals, as well as effective communication and patience to navigate differences in opinions and perspectives.
Humans it's in our nature to always want to be in control, yes there are those who know when to submit and listen or follow others, but there are still persons who just can't do this.
Humans it's in our nature to always want to be in control, yes there are those who know when to submit and listen or follow others, but there are still persons who just can't do this.
I agree with your opinion. the reason behind it is individual differences. We can also trace the history of the person and why he became stubborn or hard-headed. He might have experienced cruelties and discrimination, such became his phobia.
I agree with your opinion. the reason behind it is individual differences. We can also trace the history of the person and why he became stubborn or hard-headed. He might have experienced cruelties and discrimination, such became his phobia.
Exactly, some of them is usually due to past events. They might experienced certain things that was not pleasant. While there are others who it's just simply pride.
Exactly, some of them is usually due to past events. They might experienced certain things that was not pleasant. While there are others who it's just simply pride.
There are reasons why many became hard-headed. One time, I experienced it.I was hard-headed and my reason was fear of experiencing the same failures The other reason might be exploitation from peers. Mal treatment from family especially the parents is also one reason why someone may become hard-headed.
There are reasons why many became hard-headed. One time, I experienced it.I was hard-headed and my reason was fear of experiencing the same failures The other reason might be exploitation from peers. Mal treatment from family especially the parents is also one reason why someone may become hard-headed.
For me, one of my reasons back then was because I felt no one really understood me enough, hence i wanted to do things my own way rather than listening to others.
For me, one of my reasons back then was because I felt no one really understood me enough, hence i wanted to do things my own way rather than listening to others.
One factor that causes young people and even the mature ones hard headed is the overuse of technology. Instead of following from word of mouth, they prefer to follow what's been said on the web. They o longer like to listen to their parents though not all young people are doing this.
One factor that causes young people and even the mature ones hard headed is the overuse of technology. Instead of following from word of mouth, they prefer to follow what's been said on the web. They o longer like to listen to their parents though not all young people are doing this.
I can never work with just what I see on the Internet, especially on social media. The Internet today is filled with so many fake news and lies.
I can never work with just what I see on the Internet, especially on social media. The Internet today is filled with so many fake news and lies
You are so right, many abuse the importance of technology, Scammers are rampaging all over the earth . They are just lurking around like a virus waiting for a victim. As a matter of fact, I am always a victim of scams. I have to be cautious next time .
You are so right, many abuse the importance of technology, Scammers are rampaging all over the earth . They are just lurking around like a virus waiting for a victim. As a matter of fact, I am always a victim of scams. I have to be cautious next time .
Yea I have had my share of being scammed online before, I just feel it is part of the experience we have to go through.
Yea I have had my share of being scammed online before, I just feel it is part of the experience we have to go through.
I sometimes say to myself that I am a hard headed person. It is simply because I already experienced scams but I am still tempted to order online. My sister also told me that I am hard headed which I didn't argue lol. I was supposed to buy a laptop online but my sister got mad at me and reminded me again that I am hard headed. I didn't proceed buying.
Some people are just hard headed as a response to something that has happened to them in the past. They exhibit that hard headedness as a wall of defence for themselves.
There are some hard-headed people the reason may vary from person to person. In my case, I am somewhat hard-headed My reason is I want to repeat the mistake I committed and make amends for it despite it is impossible to correct.
Some people are just hard headed as a response to something that has happened to them in the past. They exhibit that hard headedness as a wall of defence for themselves.
Well said, I was pretty much like that. I have been hurt several times in the past by others I trusted. Due to this I always assume everyone out there is out to hurt me one way or another.
There are individual differences, so we cannot avoid that thing being hard-headed. There are also reasons behind it and only the concern person knows why he or she is hardheaded but as what I already explained, they could be from their bad experiences or exploitations from peers.
Well said, I was pretty much like that. I have been hurt several times in the past by others I trusted. Due to this I always assume everyone out there is out to hurt me one way or another.
I understand that feeling but you have to outgrow all of that's because you would be working around with a victim mentality. That mentality can make you chase valuable people away from your life.
I understand that feeling but you have to outgrow all of that's because you would be working around with a victim mentality. That mentality can make you chase valuable people away from your life.
Yea that was in the past though. I have had a lot of self growth since then. And I am still working on myself.
Being hard-headed is not hereditary, it is an act of a person only he knows the reason. Usually, the causes vary from person to person. In my case, I will be hard-headed if the task given to me is somewhat complicated. I will never work on those tasks.