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Who performs music?


Active Contributor

Nov 4, 2023
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What instrument do you play? How did you learn? How long did you play? How good are you? What are some notable accomplishments or near-accomplishments?
I've not performed on a stage before but I know how to play at least a few musical instruments like guitar, piano and drums. I was taught by my brother.
The only musical instrument which I know how to play is a guitar. My father plays guitar very well. He was the one who taught me how to play.
I know how to play drums. I've been playing for my church for over 6 years. I would be made the lead drummer maybe next year.
I used to play drums during my school days. I learned it during the music period which used to happen for 1 hour every week on Friday. I really used to enjoy playing drums but it has been since then that I have not played them. I wish to buy one drum set after getting married.
I used to play drums during my school days. I learned it during the music period which used to happen for 1 hour every week on Friday. I used to enjoy playing drums but it has been since then that I have not played them. I wish to buy one drum set after getting married.
It is very costly to buy a drum. This is why people enroll in drum club and pay the cost of participation to play it during these hours. Some drums could go even to 8000 $ which could be a considerable sum of money.
I learnt and managed to know how to play the keyboard when I was 13 years old. I can still play any kind of keyboard today but I'm a little rusty now. I would have to practice for a while before I can get myself back up to speed. I enjoyed playing keyboard with my friends years ago.
I don't really like and didn't even like to play a musical instrument because my parents forced me to attend this section. I played the violin and it's a really great instrument, but then I had other hobbies. Now I don't have the skills I used to have
If you're into playing musical instruments, it's what you cannot leave for too long, otherwise you will become rusty with playing that musical instruments. It's like mathematics, if you're not studying it every time, you will lose your touch with it. The same thing can also be said with playing musical instruments.
I do not play any kinds of instruments. When I was in college, I once tried learning how to plat a guitar. I even went to a guitar class, however, even after 6 weeks, I was not able to learn more than a couple of songs, so I gave up. I thought it was not my cup of tea. Having interest in something and actually learning it are entirely two different things
I can say that playing music is not for everyone. There are some people who are built for music. They can easily learn how to play any kind of musical instruments with so much ease. Those people excel in the music industry very fast while there are those who do well only in apparently listening to others play.
I play the guitar, which I first picked up in my early teens. My parents enrolled me in lessons at our local music school, where I learned to read music and master basic chords and techniques.
I play the guitar, which I first picked up in my early teens. My parents enrolled me in lessons at our local music school, where I learned to read music and master basic chords and techniques.
It could be the most relaxing activity during stress time add to practicing sport from time to time.
As a child, I attended piano lessons for several years and then I was very good at it, but something happened and I don't even remember what, and I no longer wanted to go to these lessons and stopped being interested in this activity, and now I have almost forgotten everything and could not b to play a single chord
I play the piano and it has really been an amazing experience having to be on different stages with different artists playing. I learned from my elder brother who had been our church pianist and I have expanded it to play at concerts .
I play the piano and it has really been an amazing experience having to be on different stages with different artists playing. I learned from my elder brother who had been our church pianist and I have expanded it to play at concerts .
That is great, there was a time I have interest in learning the piano but I couldn't find a good teacher so the interest eventually died down. But if I have the opportunity to learn I wouldn't pass it up. I heard if you are good in playing the piano you tend to get a lot of girls!
I am currently playing the drums and I learnt from when I was small. Back then my dad use to force me. Though I was mostly self thought.
I am not aware of how to play any musical instrument but I can play with a flute or even with a tabla lol
Recorder, piano and harmonica. Self taught on the last 2. Been writing songs since the age of 15.
I would love to learn piano and play and it does looks so good to play piano