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Who inspires you this time?



Mar 18, 2024
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I know we all have an inspiration and whoever he or she is, am sure that you are full of happiness. You always have a reason to wake up the next day. You also find the difficulties easy to do because of your inspiration. There is no boring moment when we are inspired. We always like the evening day so we will always be with someone who makes life beautiful. My inspiration oi my family and my pet. 😁😍. What about you?

I Love You GIF by Tyler Resty
No one in particular, I am mostly inspired by my dreams and the things I wish to achieve. These things makes me want to put in more effort from time to time.
We all have dreams that inspire us but dreams without actions would turn to futility. It is best to execute your actions to have something to say and make a difference. I am also inspired by my dreams which is why I executed it and have it now , my business.
For the person that inspires me, it is definitely my mom. I wake up everyday and I am grateful for the gift of her. And I just want to do everything I can to make my mama proud of me.
This day I am inspired by my friend who have just arrived Philippines for a short vacation. He brought me a smart watch and an Acer laptop. I felt I was on Cloud 9😁. My friend. married an American millionaire and she also became a millionaire with her jewelry business. I am proud to have a millionaire best friend. 💃💃💃.
Dreams and goals. This is the only thing that inspires me, because if I didn't have it, I wouldn't do anything. I would work no more than necessary in order not to die of hunger. I think it would be very sad, but I certainly wouldn't lose anything because in that case I wouldn't have anything
This time, my offline and online businesses inspire me. In the previous weeks, I was so down because the sales were reduced and the reason was the price increase of my products causing the customers to transfer to another business center. I am inspired now because my old customers came back after realizing that my products are legit and of good quality.
There are so many people I want to protect and care for, they are the ones who inspire me to keep pushing and trying to exceed my limits.
This time, I am also inspired by what the Philippine Olympians achieved like the five medals and still coming. We have now three gold medals from the gymnast, Carlos Yulo, and from a female weightlifter Elreen Sarno, two female boxers one bronze medal each Nesty Petecio and Aira Villegas.