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Which place of all the ones you traveled to left the most emotions?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
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I have not visited many places, so they are all very special to me and I was amazed when I saw them for the first time. Of all, I can single out my trip in Italy when I was on the amazing coast and watched the sunset
A couple of years ago, I went to a trekking. I trekked 12 hours continuously. It was a tiring experience but also very liberating. I walked in the mounts, through the jungles, and snow path to reach the destination. I was empty stomach (except for some chocolates) but my body did not give up.
I mentioned in another thread about having to go on a lot of camping trips with my father when I was still a kid and I had so much encounter with my father during those periods. It is a trip which left a very big impression in my life and it's always memorable whenever I remember all the places I went to camping with my Father.
I mentioned in another thread about having to go on a lot of camping trips with my father when I was still a kid and I had so much encounter with my father during those periods. It is a trip which left a very big impression in my life and it's always memorable whenever I remember all the places I went to camping with my Father.
not many people are as lucky as you because for example I had very few trips with my parents because they didn't want to go anywhere even if there was an opportunity. I don't understand why, when I asked them, they never agreed, even though I was still a child and in my childhood I literally saw nothing but my own house and school
not many people are as lucky as you because for example I had very few trips with my parents because they didn't want to go anywhere even if there was an opportunity. I don't understand why, when I asked them, they never agreed, even though I was still a child and in my childhood I literally saw nothing but my own house and school

It is the reason why I cherish this memory so much because I know that a lot of kids out there are not fortunate to have this kind of experience with their parents. Thereby, it gave me an edge which some other kids we are not fortunate to have. I am always very happy whenever I think of my parents and the time we share together.
For me I didn't really travel but it was where my late dad took us to. It was not anywhere special. It was on a Christmas day and we didn't really have anything to celebrate with. Things where pretty hard that year. To make us feel happy, my dad took us to the sea port. We drove round for more than an hour viewing various ships, it was so amazing.
Mexico amigo!
I would like to visit there someday because it seems to me from the movies that there is such a vibe that is not found anywhere else. All this culture is very attractive to me, and the behavior of people seems to me very energetic
The place I travelled to that has always left me with emotional nostalgia is Ghana. I fell in love with the first time in Ghana as a very young boy with a Ghanaian lady. It was pure but we had to part and couldn't keep up after leaving Ghana.
It was my first vacation in Australia I had the most emotions
Egypt left the most emotions from the trip there. I have already been there twice, but I liked it both times. During the entire vacation, there was not a single moment that would upset me or anything like that