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Which of the families should pay for the wedding?



Mar 5, 2024
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At my wedding, it turned out that my husband's relatives paid for the wedding. He has a richer family and they decided to take these expenses on themselves, but they did not give us anything and this was their gift. However, they are not so kind, and therefore their son, that is, my husband, must return 10 percent of the cost, which we did a long time ago
In my country, we typically have three stages of the marriage celebration. The first part is the traditional marriage which the bride's family typically pays for and the groom supports. The groom entirely pays for the wedding.
In my opinion, it is not the 19th century and there should not be such an opinion that someone's family should pay for a wedding. After the wedding, they all become relatives, because in my opinion they should pay for the wedding together, taking into account the financial capabilities of each family
The both families should come together and contribute to make the wedding a success. It doesn't make sense to leave the expenses of a wedding to only one person to carry. It can cause resentment even before the marriage is contracted.
For me, I feel it doesn't make sense for a particular family to handle the whole thing. It would be best if both families come together and settle things out. After that's what family is ment to be.
Traditionally, in our country, the bride's family pays for the cost of the wedding, but things are changing now, and the groom's family too contributes to the cost. I don't think that we should burden the bride's family financially. The worst scenario is asking for the dowry from the bride's family, which should be eliminated from our system.
Ideally it should be shared because its not a one family affair but sadly its paid by the brides family in Indian weddings