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Which moral principle do you think is the most important and why?


Chipi Chipi Chapa Chapa

Feb 9, 2024
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A lot of people on Earth have no principles and they can do any bad thing and they will not feel guilty. However, I still think that most people understand the importance of some moral restrictions and they are different for everyone.
Giving back to the society!
I think those who have surplus should give back to the society. If the billionaires like Musk and Bezos want they can end hunger in the world but they are too concerned with making more money and keeping everything to themselves. I wish I had a lot of money so that I could help people
One of the moral principles that I uphold very strongly in my life is having respect for mother nature because it is where all life came from and if anything is done to destroy nature, the entire environment is going to suffer drastically for it. If a lot of people have much respect for nature, we will not be suffering the environmental catastrophy that we are facing as a result of pollution.
One of the moral principles that I uphold very strongly in my life is having respect for mother nature because it is where all life came from and if anything is done to destroy nature, the entire environment is going to suffer drastically for it. If a lot of people have much respect for nature, we will not be suffering the environmental catastrophy that we are facing as a result of pollution.
It is really very important to be like that to nature, but I am more interested in moral principles at the expense of other people. After all, we communicate a lot with other people and we must have moral principles to build healthy relationships
It is really very important to be like that to nature, but I am more interested in moral principles at the expense of other people. After all, we communicate a lot with other people and we must have moral principles to build healthy relationships

Building good relationship is something that is also very important because no human being is an Island and you need to communicate and associate with other people so that you can be able to achieve some of the goals which you can't be able to achieve on your own except you associate with other people.
For me I believe there are lots of them but one I would choose is honestly. A person that is honest can be trusted. If the world had a lot of honest people, then it would definitely be a more peaceful place to live in.
I agree with the above, trouble is very few have it.
The moral principle that I think is the most important is the Golden Rule which says that you shouldn't do anything to others, that's you don't want them to do unto you. That is the summary of human relations. I think if more people keep this moral principle, the world would have been far better.
Being truthful. It is hard to be like that in today's world. But being different is not without merits.

I would any day take a tough route than the wrong one.
Being truthful. It is hard to be like that in today's world. But being different is not without merits.

I would any day take a tough route than the wrong one.
Truthfulness is important but being very realistic, there are circumstances that one doesn't need to be wholly truthful. You have to apply wisdom in the quest of being truthful. But I reckon that aiming not to hurt anyone is the greatest moral principle.
Of all moral principles, I believe respecting the inherent dignity and human rights of every person is most paramount. Treating all people with compassion, empathy and equality, regardless of individual differences, is the foundation for a just and ethical society. This principle prohibits discrimination, oppression and the dehumanization of others.
Sincerity. I would always like to be sincere and for people to be the same to me. It is very difficult, but I will adhere to this principle and would not like to have communication with insincere people. They hide a lot and lie, so there is nothing good about it