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Where do you get your cooking recipes from?



Mar 4, 2024
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For does who enjoy cooking, or normally cook as a means to make money, do you have a specific place you get your recipe from? Personally I enjoy cooking but I don't always try new recipes, and most times I just make some research on the Internet or on YouTube. What about you?
I didn't get my cooking recipes from the internet, I got it from my mom. She is actually a good cook, I usually observe her when she's preparing new dishes while I was growing up, so from there I do take it up. But nowadays I just go to YouTube if there's any new recipe I'm interested in.
I ask my mother for most of my recipes because she is a very good cook, but if I want to cook something even she doesn't know, I use YouTube or Instagram because there are a lot of recipes there.
For me, I stick to the recipes that I have learned since the time that I grew up. So technically, I get my recipes from my culture. I don't seek out new recipes online because I am not adventurous when it comes to food.
I am not much into cooking but whenever I like to try something I do like to look at Youtube and find an easy recipe for that
For does who enjoy cooking, or normally cook as a means to make money, do you have a specific place you get your recipe from? Personally I enjoy cooking but I don't always try new recipes, and most times I just make some research on the Internet or on YouTube. What about you?
Actually I enjoy cooking food with different recipe and I only used the traditional recipes to enjoyed my food but I never take it as a means to make money
I look for recipes only when I like to make a dish in the best possible way so that it tastes even better otherwise I don't like to cook
Actually I enjoy cooking food with different recipe and I only used the traditional recipes to enjoyed my food but I never take it as a means to make money
I enjoy cooking as well, but I don't really use different recipes. I only try something new once in awhile, maybe when am tried of eating the same thing.
I won't say I hate cooking but I don't enjoy and only sometimes I like to cook and make something for myself
I enjoy cooking as well, but I don't really use different recipes. I only try something new once in awhile, maybe when am tried of eating the same thing.
Although I have said it I used different recipe in other to enjoyed the food because I don't want to get tired of eating same thing or repeating same thing
I was planning to learn cooking and get serious with it but I got busy with work so I am not sure when I can start again to learn
Although I have said it I used different recipe in other to enjoyed the food because I don't want to get tired of eating same thing or repeating same thing
That's nice though. I came across one recipe for bread and egg, it looked really nice but I have not had time prepare it, and even the money to buy things.
I don't like to find recipes because I don't cook and have no interest in cooking but if I need to cook something then I can manage.
I don't cook because I don't like cooking, but I have seen that most people who are into cooking like to refer to YouTube to learn new dishes and recipes. It's easy to learn from the videos on YouTube. My wife also refers to YouTube for it.
It is my sister the cook at home, she does not have a recipe. My sister has a business. She runs a school canteen with a student population of 7,000.. She can cook yummy food without a recipe. She earns more than me in my milk tea business. She is the one buying for food at me next month.
I don't cook because I don't like cooking, but I have seen that most people who are into cooking like to refer to YouTube to learn new dishes and recipes. It's easy to learn from the videos on YouTube. My wife also refers to YouTube for it.
YouTube has made life easier for us because even if we are terrible at cooking we can find easy recipes to cook
There are recipes sold in the grocery stores. There are also companies or businesses in my place giving away recipe booklets. There is no need to download recipes or watch a YouTube link but if there is none there like ours, you no choice but to download recipes.But do you cook?