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When you catch a cold


Active Contributor

Oct 21, 2023
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What do you do when you catch a cold? Do you try to get rid of it yourself by trying out some home remedies or do you just visit the doctor and get some medicines?
Cold isn't something to take light. It's part of the health challenges I'm having now. If you caught cold, the hospital should be the first place to go.
It depends on how bad it is. Usually, I'll just rest. If it gets worse, I'll take some tablets.
I usually just take some dayquil/nightquil and eat soup. I also like to get plenty of vitamin c, and I try to rest if I can.
Not had a cold for years..I have had covid though which felt like a cold..had a stupid cough as well
My mother taught me how to steam 🧖‍♂️ myself whenever I have cold. The hot water steam burns out the cold.
The doctor have their job to do which is why they are doctors. When I catch cold, I'll be go to the hospital for treatment ASAP without wasting any time.
The doctor have their job to do which is why they are doctors. When I catch cold, I'll be go to the hospital for treatment ASAP without wasting any time.
Unless you have other serious illnesses, catching a cold is not a reason to panick and go to the hospital. There is no cure for colds.

What do you do when you catch a cold? Do you try to get rid of it yourself by trying out some home remedies or do you just visit the doctor and get some medicines?
I treat my colds with over the counter meds, as needed. Other things I may do: Hot chicken soups, vick's vaporub, hot teas and sleeping time with my cats!
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I have one now. I just get on with it. If it gets too bad, I stay in bed.
When I catch a cold, I just stay indoors and rest. If it gets slightly bad, I'll take medication.
Other than that, I just get on with it and hope it clears as soon as possible.
If I happen to catch cold, I'll get the best treatment for it immediately and try as much as possible to get some rest. It helps me with quick recovery.
From my experience with catching cold, there are different levels to catching cold but the highest level of them is pneumonia. There is no way of giving yourself a personal treatment if your cold get to the stage of pneumonia. If you stubbornly try to treat yourself, death is certain for such person.
What do you do when you catch a cold? Do you try to get rid of it yourself by trying out some home remedies or do you just visit the doctor and get some medicines?

I'll go to the hospital when I catch cold or start developing any sickness symptoms. My mother is a nurse, health is taken seriously in my house.
If I happen to catch cold, I'll get the best treatment for it immediately and try as much as possible to get some rest. It helps me with quick recovery.
All kinds of sickness needs the patient to get enough rest because the rest will work towards helping with how fast the patient's recovery will be. It doesn't matter if it was cold or fever or any other kind of sickness, having enough rest is very important for quick recovery.
In the past, I used to try home remedies, however, these days I take over the counter pills for cold. Well, home remedies do work but it takes time and these days I do not have to luxury of resting on bed for catching cold, therefore, I take medicines and try to get rid of the symptoms in a couple of hours.
Buying over the counter drugs is not something I like doing very often because I've seen the unfortunate one's who died as a result of overdose because they don't know how to use the drugs they bought over the counter as they are meant to. Caution need to be applied in used OTC drugs.
Moat times I just relax and recover on my own, then there are times here I take natural things like pawpaw leaves or pearl leaf. Or I simply drink pepper soup and rest than am good to go.
Cold is a regular ailment that affects me, regardless of the weather. So whenever it comes I counter it with a drug that works well for me. It doesn't last for a few days if I use the drugs consistently, but if I just leave the cold like that without attending to it, it can last for weeks.