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When having a bad day, what do you do?



Mar 4, 2024
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As we go on with our lives, we tend to experience days that are pretty annoying or bad. In such days what do you do? For me, whenever I am having a bad day I simply stop whatever it is that is affecting my mode and just watch a movie, or I channel those emotions into something meaningful.
When I am having a bad day, I head straight to my bed and sleep. I don't allow the bad day to stretch further so that it won't affect my sanity. By the time I wake, I would have a clear mind to face whatever caused the bad day.
Better to hope that it ends soon LOL, there is nothing we can do and just need to stay careful and not make any mistakes
Sleeping do help sometimes though. There are times I have had bad days and I just get some sleep. After waking up, things becomes a lot clearer for me.
What will you do if you are at work? I don't think you can sleep at work 😜 or better make excuse and take sick leave 😉
Lol in such a case I just play some good music and focus on my work. This tends to take my mind of things. Or better still I would just go for a good snacks, then am good to go.
First of all, I would like to discuss the problem with someone because if I don't solve it, it will have a negative effect on me later. I should also do something completely different than what I have been doing all day. It could be going to the movies or just going to the mall because it distracts me
I used to spend a lot of time at home to play games and watch movies and perform exercise
I am a loner and I won't discuss my bad day with anyone. The best thing I do for myself would be to cave in, have the company of myself and then, I reflect. By the time I am done, I cave out with a renewed mind and my bad day is gone.
As we go on with our lives, we tend to experience days that are pretty annoying or bad. In such days what do you do? For me, whenever I am having a bad day I simply stop whatever it is that is affecting my mode and just watch a movie, or I channel those emotions into something meaningful.
When I experience a day that was not pretty or bad day I will just straight head to my room and start playing games till further notice
As we go on with our lives, we tend to experience days that are pretty annoying or bad. In such days what do you do? For me, whenever I am having a bad day I simply stop whatever it is that is affecting my mode and just watch a movie, or I channel those emotions into something meaningful.
When a bad day strikes me, I have to reverse the situation. It is true that a bad day can ruin our plan and disrupt our normal heart beat,however with the power of our mind we can do impossible things possible by riding on the rides of that bad day and make it shine the next time it shuts off your plans. Do the move like singing and by reading funny stories or jokes.
Lol in such a case I just play some good music and focus on my work. This tends to take my mind of things. Or better still I would just go for a good snacks, then am good to go.
This is a good option but keep the music at low volume so others don't oppose because in office environment you'll find different types of people
This is a good option but keep the music at low volume so others don't oppose because in office environment you'll find different types of people
Yea I don't normally like it when it's too loud. So I mostly prefer listening to it with an air pod or ear piece. I don't get how people manage to play music extremely loud or watch videos extremely loud. Yes you are right @Scorpion
Yea I don't normally like it when it's too loud. So I mostly prefer listening to it with an air pod or ear piece. I don't get how people manage to play music extremely loud or watch videos extremely loud. Yes you are right @Scorpion
Way to go my friend. This is the most effective option and could be that's why these air pods are quite affordable now and are worth the price.
When I experience a day that was not pretty or bad day I will just straight head to my room and start playing games till further notice
Lol games is also a great way to escape for reality and relax your nerves. Some games even help you think straight as well.
Everyone likes to do the things they like to do so if you like Games you will start playing games. I will look for an entertaining movie to watch.