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What's your lucky number?


Active Contributor

Nov 26, 2023
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Do you believe in luck or that everything which happens have been predetermined by a super being? If you believe in luck, it means you will also believe in having a lucky number that works in your favor. A lot of people have won millions of dollars in lottery with playing their lucky number.

What's your lucky number?

no reason really, 8 is just a good number

and it's even

don't like odd numbers, never have
I always wanted to decide which number is my favorite but it never worked out because I thought fate should do it and it happened because I very often notice the numbers 60 around me and I think now they are my favorite
I do not believe in lucky number, I do not think there is such thing as luck number. According to numerology, a pseudo science that deals with number, my lucky number is 4, however, I do not remember getting lucky with this number. I always wonder how could people to be so foolish in believing things like having a lucky number.
Don't have a lucky number though cause I have never really thought about having one. But in a situation where I have to choose, I think I we go with number 13 since it's my birth number.
I don't believe in any superstition at all and that includes any and all religions.
I do believe in luck. seemingly random occurrences that work in one's favor or disadvantage. Luck can stem from odds, chance happenings, or even self-fulfilling prophecies influenced by one's mindset. That said, I don't put much stock in superstitious talismans like "lucky numbers." If pressed, I'd say 3 feels fortuitous. I believe we make our own luck through hard work and positive attitudes.
My birthday is really my lucky number. Once I decided to enter this number in a lottery ticket where it was necessary to choose any number. And I was lucky enough to win a few dollars and since then I consider this number my lucky number
Probably no I do not believe in lucky numbers or playing lottery all what I believed is that you cannot escaped your destiny