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What's your favorite type of exercise?



Mar 28, 2024
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My favorite type of exercise is hiking. There's something incredibly rejuvenating about being out in nature, surrounded by fresh air and scenic views. Hiking allows me to clear my mind while also getting a full-body workout. I love the feeling of my legs propelling me uphill and the rewarding vistas that await at every summit. Whether it's a rigorous mountain trek or a leisurely stroll through local trails, hiking combines exercise with a sense of adventure and peace. After a good hike, I always feel accomplished yet grounded, with renewed appreciation for the great outdoors.
I love to take my bike and go cycling. I sometimes cycle around the neighborhood or go on the main road and cycle down and come back again. It helps me to exercise my legs and gives me that special sense of satisfaction.
I don't have a favorite type of exercise though but I mainly go for walks and in situations where I am not able to do any workouts, I always ensure I at least walk outside for some minutes.
I am a lazy person, so I don't exercise daily. Some days when I am free, I like to walk, and that's the best exercise for me. I don't go to the gym to make my physique good. I have thought of joining yoga classes soon to relax my body.
My favorite type of exercise is hiking. There's something incredibly rejuvenating about being out in nature, surrounded by fresh air and scenic views. Hiking allows me to clear my mind while also getting a full-body workout. I love the feeling of my legs propelling me uphill and the rewarding vistas that await at every summit. Whether it's a rigorous mountain trek or a leisurely stroll through local trails, hiking combines exercise with a sense of adventure and peace. After a good hike, I always feel accomplished yet grounded, with renewed appreciation for the great outdoors.
I prefer yoga cause it improved flexibility and balance. It also relief stress and help in relaxation. I enjoy running as well
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Do you do Yoga? Yoga is very famous here and there are lots of people here who have joined the yoga classes just for keeping them fit.
Yes. Almost all the time. You have to try it out. I'm sure you will love it .
My favorite type of exercise was gym and playing football
I am a lazy person, so I don't exercise daily. Some days when I am free, I like to walk, and that's the best exercise for me. I don't go to the gym to make my physique good. I have thought of joining yoga classes soon to relax my body.
I would like to believe that walking in itself is a form of exercise. It doesn't have to be running around and doing all sort of other things, so maybe you're on the right track.
I think Morning walks are best and are easy and anyone can do that so its my favorite form of exercise
My favorite type of exercise was juggling and playing football
I do a variety for exercises. But what I enjoy the most is Yoga and a brisk walk amidst the green track. I am fortunate to stay in the apartment that has a beautiful walking track
I need to first start with my daily morning walk and then I can plan to start with some of the stretching exercises
I need to first start with my daily morning walk and then I can plan to start with some of the stretching exercises
Yes, going in small little steps that are achievable is the best thing to do. If you plan a lot in advance, it can become overwhelming and kill your enthusiasm. You can start with little and then push it a little each day. All the best. Slowly your stamina will also increase to include more in there.
Yes, going in small little steps that are achievable is the best thing to do. If you plan a lot in advance, it can become overwhelming and kill your enthusiasm. You can start with little and then push it a little each day. All the best. Slowly your stamina will also increase to include more in there.
That's true, I started with walking and I have been able to build my stamina to some extent. Most times i don't even feel tired after coming back from a long walk. Recently I have started adding a little bit of jogging to the mix as well. Am sure with time i would be able to run a longer distance.
That's a good start. It's amazing that how quickly our body gets adjusted and tuned to something we start. I am very regular to exercises and so have a good stamina. I need to keep the varieties so that it is challenging and brings better results.
Indeed, especially as we grow in age that's when we would really start seeing the benefits of exercise. When I get married and have kids, am going to make sure I introduce workouts to them at an early age.
My favourite exercise is playing football. In football, we run and run. Within a matter of minutes, you are already sweating. It would work well in helping to cut down belly fat.
My favourite exercise is playing football. In football, we run and run. Within a matter of minutes, you are already sweating. It would work well in helping to cut down belly fat.
That's actually very good. When I was in college, I would play basketball and badminton regularly with my friends. That was enough exercise for us. Playing sports with friends is so much fun and one gets enough exercise too.
Even now I would go to play badminton if my daughters or any of my friends are willing. I really enjoy it.
Yes, going in small little steps that are achievable is the best thing to do. If you plan a lot in advance, it can become overwhelming and kill your enthusiasm. You can start with little and then push it a little each day. All the best. Slowly your stamina will also increase to include more in there.
I do prefer to start slow as sometime ago I started in a hard way then I needed to quit so this time I am trying to play safe