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What's your favorite type of exercise or physical activity and why do you enjoy it?



Mar 28, 2024
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My favorite type of exercise is yoga. I love how it combines physical movement with mindfulness and meditation. It's a great way to relax and unwind, and it also helps me feel strong and flexible. I enjoy it because it's a great way to challenge myself and improve my focus and concentration.

What's your favorite type of exercise or physical activity and why do you enjoy it?
My favorite exercise is pushups, probably because it is the most common one out there. Sometimes I also lie down and do planks or stand and do jumping jacks.
In a situation where I have to choose a favorite, I think I would have to go with walking. I always make sure I go for walks every morning. It helps me think as at the same time prepares me for the day's job.
I prefer to walk or Run and I feel these are the best forms of exercises and sometimes I do push-ups too but walking will always remain my favorite as its best and easy
In a situation where I have to choose a favorite, I think I would have to go with walking. I always make sure I go for walks every morning. It helps me think as at the same time prepares me for the day's job.
I have actually never considered walking to be a form of exercise. This is because walking is something I do everyday whether I like it or not. For it to be considered an exercise, maybe I will have to be jogging or running.
I keep a variety of exercises on my regime. But I enjoy yoga the most. It's a complete package for bringing mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health. I enjoy pranayam ( breathing exercises) and meditation. It gives me peace of mind and I feel so rejuvenated after that.
I am not in a mood to try any hard exercise and will only start with Morning walks and a few body stretching exercises
Since I am very regular with my exercises, I have to keep varieties there. This has few advantages..I get to exercise different muscles and challenge my body. Keeping a variety doesn't let me get bored and I am flexible too. I can do something on the day according to the convenience. And a variety of exercises ensure that I am working on my strength, stamina and flexibility.
It is just one physical activity that I do as exercise and that is playing football. I have always enjoyed playing football as a child and it has kept me strong and agile since that period till now.
I just love running because it is very simple and accessible to everyone. It does not require equipment and does not require a lot of time. But at the same time, it has a very strong effect on all muscle groups.
I used to enjoy running. But post covid I get knee pains for no diagnosed reasons. My running has come down after that. I have undergone all possible tests suggested by doctors but the reason is not found. I am asked to listen to my body and not over exert it. Running aggravates the pain and so I have stopped it. I really miss that happy feeling.
My favorite excercise is playing football and road work but I prefer football than the road work because football gives me more motivation than the road work but even the road work is good to be doing because it help
Football and basketball games are the kind of games I mostly like but the most favorite one to me is football then basketball games due to the what am seeing football has kept an incomparable history
My favorite excercise is playing football and road work but I prefer football than the road work because football gives me more motivation than the road work but even the road work is good to be doing because it help
Football is an interesting sports and needs a lot of stamina and energy. It's a very good exercise to play any outdoor sports. What do you mean by road work? This is the first time I have come across this name for exercises.
My favorite exercise or physical activities goes to football, basketball, and juggling but I used to perform skipping rope early in morning everyday
My favorite exercise or physical activities goes to football, basketball, and juggling but I used to perform skipping rope early in morning everyday
Wow! Juggling sounds fun. I am so fascinated by juggling. I would like to learn it. It's such a good brain exercise to and one of the best ways for a balance between mind and body. I enjoyed skipping a lot. But I don't do it any more because of my knees.